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고랭지 배추 계약재배 확대를 위한 정책의 우선순위 분석

1. 서론
2. 농산물 계약에 관한 의사결정
3. 분석 방법 및 분석 자료
4. 분석 결과
5. 요약 및 결론
The farming based on contracts with Nonghyup helps make production and consumption predictable. But currently the contract farming is as low as 10% of the total farming. To increase the rate, analyzing the factors that farmers consider when choosing fresh produce distributors is necessary. And the roles of the government and local Nonghyup should be looked into separately. With these in mind, this research identifies relative gravity and priority of evaluation factors that summer chinese cabbage farmers consider when choosing local distributors, and suggests policy priorities through a paired comparison between the government and Nonghyup to help establish contract farming strategies. The method of empirical research used in this study is the AHP analysis for group decision making as multi-stakeholders or multiple decision makers are involved.
The farming based on contracts with Nonghyup helps make production and consumption predictable. But currently the contract farming is as low as 10% of the total farming. To increase the rate, analyzing the factors that farmers consider when choosing fresh produce distributors is necessary. And the roles of the government and local Nonghyup should be looked into separately. With these in mind, this research identifies relative gravity and priority of evaluation factors that summer chinese cabbage farmers consider when choosing local distributors, and suggests policy priorities through a paired comparison between the government and Nonghyup to help establish contract farming strategies. The method of empirical research used in this study is the AHP analysis for group decision making as multi-stakeholders or multiple decision makers are involved.

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상세정보 조회7403
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