- Year2013
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleDevelopment of Agricultural Technology and Extension System
- Year2018
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEstablishment of Demonstrative Vegetable Production Complex in Cambodia
- Year2016
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleReducing Rice Losses for Strengthening Food Security
- Year2019
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEnhancing Agricultural Productivity by Developing Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer Sectors in Indonesia
- Year2013
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleLao PDR Agricultural Cooperatives Policies
- Year2018
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleImproving Agricultural Cooperatives Policies and Establishment of Agricultural Cooperative Models in Lao PDR
- Year2016
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleImproving Export-Oriented Agricultural Production Possibilities in Remote Rural Mongolian Regions
- Year2018
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEnhancing Agricultural Capability by Improving Livestock Value Chain in the Eastern Region of Mongolia
- Year2014('15)
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEstablishment of Agricultural Distribution and Marketing System in Myanmar
- Year2019
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleDevelopment of a Maize Value Chain to Enhance Income of Farmers in Myanmar
- Year2017
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleStrengthening Food Security Program Framework for Improving Food Security in Nepal
- Year2015
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEnhancing Agricultural Mechanization through Efficient Land Reformation
- Year2019
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleCapacity Enhancement for Sustainable Sources of High-Quality Rice Seeds for Distribution in the Philippines
- Year2017
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEstablishing Cherry Value Chain in Uzbekistan-A Value Chain Analysis of the Uzbekistan Cherry Industry-Case Study in Samarkand Province
- Year2014
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleAdministration of Agricultural Land System for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change in Vietnam
- Year2020
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleConsolidation of Creative Pilot Linkages among Agricultural Stakeholders for Strengthening Agriculture Value Chain
- Year2017
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleStrengthening Food and Nutritional Security and Sovereignty, and the Competitiveness of Small Milk Producer Organizations Associated to Livestock
- Year2015
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEnhancing Agricultural Technology Dissemination System for Small-scale Farmers in Paraguay
- Year2013
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleResearch and Development of Agricultural Technology and Extension System
- Year2023
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEstablishing Cherry Value Chain in Uzbekistan-A Value Chain Analysis of the Uzbekistan Cherry Industry-Case Study in Samarkand Province
- Year2016
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleEnhancing Agricultural Technology Transfer System for Smallholder Farmers in Mozambique
- Year2020
- ProjectODA Project Evaluations
- Project TitleEx-post Evaluation: Farming Technology Transfer and Agriculture Productivity Project in Mozambique
- Year2015
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleLivestock Farming and Management ? Focusing on Meat Production
- Year2020
- ProjectODA Project Evaluations
- Project TitleEx-post Evaluation: Project for Supporting the Feed Production and Post-harvest Management in Rwanda
- Year2014
- ProjectKAPEX
- Project TitleLivestock Farming and Management in Uganda-A Focus on the Dairy Subsector