As a preparatory step of planning ODA projects and programs led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of Korea, the KAPEX projects aims at collecting necessary information and building partnerships between the Korean government and partner countries for the implementation of future ODA projects.
If the designed ODA programs or projects pass the Korean government’s screening and approval process, they are implemented by the Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC), and the results of the programs or projects are evaluated by the KREI independently. The results and feedback suggested from the evaluation will be used for securing the sustainability of the programs or projects and planning and designing future ODA programs and projects.
Partner countries suggest demand for KAPEX through the annual ODA Roundtable Conference organized by the MAFRA. The topic of the KAPEX is selected mainly based on the agricultural development plan or strategies of the partner countries and the possibility of designing programs or projects with the topic. The KREI conducts a pre-feasibility study on the suggested topic by performing a field trip to the joint research site and interviewing related stakeholders from the partner countries and experts. The pre-feasibility study on the selected topics comprehensively examines their current status of agricultural policies, local counterparts’ intention to implement theprogram, and project feasibility.
The components of the KAPEX—joint research, KAPEX Academy, KAPEX Training, and workshops—are implemented through the cooperation between partner countries, experts from Korea, and international experts. As a result of the project, joint research report will be produced, and a potential ODA program or project is conceptualized based on the implications of the research results.
The MAFRA screens the potential ODA programs or projects developed by the joint research and the Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC), an implementing agency of the MAFRA’s ODA program or project, conducts a pre-feasibility study on the designed project. If the project gains approval through the necessary approval process on development cooperation by the Korean government, it will launch within two or three years after the completion of the KAPEX project.
By signing the Records of Discussion and the Terms of References of the KAPEX, the KREI and partner countries discuss the direction and activities of the KAPEX project and organize a joint research team. Experts from the KREI and sectoral advisors conduct a field study tour to the partner countries to collect necessary data and provide technical advice for the research to the partner countries.
Invitational training including KAPEX Academy and KAPEX Training will be prepared for the officials and researchers from the partner countries. Lectures and field tours will help to improve their understanding of Korea’s agricultural experiences and capacity in planning, and to implement agricultural development policies or programs in their countries.
The KAPEX Kickoff Workshop and the Results-sharing Workshop will be in place for disseminating the plan and the results of the joint research among related stakeholders and enhancing partnership among partner countries, Korea, international organizations, and private sectors.
An ODA program or project will be designed from the results of the joint research and the program or project will kick off after two or three years supported by the Korean government. Also, necessary measures will be investigated for evaluating the short-term and long-term impact of the KAPEX project on partner countries’ capacity in policy research and planning programs or projects for their agricultural and rural development.
Signing of ROD/TOR
Submission of Inception Report of Joint Research
First Field Study and Kickoff Workshop
KAPEX Training
Second Field Study
Submission of Midterm Report of Joint Research
KAPEX Academy
Third Field Study
Submission of Draft Joint Research Report
KAPEX Results-sharing Workshop & ODA Roundtable Conference
Submission of Final Joint Research Report
Proposal of ODA Project Concept Paper