

ODA Project Evaluation

The Evaluation of MAFRA’s ODA projectshas been conducted from 2012 to enhance the quality and accountability in the project implementation. Until 2020, 19 ODA projects have been evaluated based on the OECD DAC evaluation criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability.

Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) has been designated as the evaluation management agency of the MAFRA’s ODA projects since 2018, taking charge of the whole evaluation process. KREI will make practical evaluation and feedback system, and enlarge the range of project evaluation based on its specialty in agriculture and rural development.

Annual Evaluation Proc ess Flow Chart

1st ch_wrap

Evaluation Planning

2nd ch_wrap
3rd ch_wrap
1st Field Survey Icon

1st Field Survey

Meetings in Korea Icon

Interviews, Meetings in Korea with Project-related Institutions

2nd Field Survey Icon

2nd Field Survey and Evaluation Result-sharing Workshop

4th ch_wrap
Result-sharing Icon

Result-sharing & Advisory Meeting in Korea

Final Report Icon

Publication of Final Project Evaluation Report (In ENG/KOR)

Post-evaluation Icon

Global Agricultural Cooperation Council (Discussion on follow-up projects and post-management)