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영농 규모별 총요소생산성 추이 분석

2013.05.21 8271
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    허용준, 유춘권; 한두봉
  • 등록일

1. 서론
2. 분석 모형
3. 분석 결과
4. 고찰 및 결론


This study measures agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) in Korea and its components such as technological and technical efficiency change by estimating a normal production function and a stochastic frontier production function. Panel data of farm size and type was used to estimate the production functions for the period of 2003~2011. As regards to the TFP analysis by farm size, the annual average growth rates of potential TFP and actual TFP have increased 1.34% and 1.16% respectively, while the growth rate after the 2000s has slowed down. Especially in the case of the farm size of more than 7 ha, the annual average growth rate of TFP is the highest. The TFP analysis by farm type shows that average annual growth rates of TFPs in the relatively highly capital-intensive farm types, such as for livestock, special crops, fruits, and flowers, are much higher than that of paddy rice, a land-intentive farm.

This study measures agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) in Korea and its components such as technological and technical efficiency change by estimating a normal production function and a stochastic frontier production function. Panel data of farm size and type was used to estimate the production functions for the period of 2003~2011. As regards to the TFP analysis by farm size, the annual average growth rates of potential TFP and actual TFP have increased 1.34% and 1.16% respectively, while the growth rate after the 2000s has slowed down. Especially in the case of the farm size of more than 7 ha, the annual average growth rate of TFP is the highest. The TFP analysis by farm type shows that average annual growth rates of TFPs in the relatively highly capital-intensive farm types, such as for livestock, special crops, fruits, and flowers, are much higher than that of paddy rice, a land-intentive farm.

허용준Heo, Yongjun
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허용준Heo, Yongjun
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