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식료품제조업의 산업집적 효과분석: 수도권과 동남권을 중심으로

2013.01.12 10983
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    전상곤, 박한울
  • 등록일

1. 서론
2. 이론적 모형
3. 실증분석
4. 요약 및 시사점


This paper analyzes the agglomeration effects in the food industry focusing on the capital region and the southeastern region. For the analysis, this study uses firm-level micro panel data from 2001 to 2009 from the KIS-value. This study finds several important results. First, food industries show positive exogenous effects in localization economy and market linkage but not for urbanization economy. Second, the effects of localization economy caused by specialization is bigger in food industries than in manufacturing industries. Third, the marginal effect of specialization in food industries is larger in the capital region than in the southeastern region.

This paper analyzes the agglomeration effects in the food industry focusing on the capital region and the southeastern region. For the analysis, this study uses firm-level micro panel data from 2001 to 2009 from the KIS-value. This study finds several important results. First, food industries show positive exogenous effects in localization economy and market linkage but not for urbanization economy. Second, the effects of localization economy caused by specialization is bigger in food industries than in manufacturing industries. Third, the marginal effect of specialization in food industries is larger in the capital region than in the southeastern region.

전상곤Jeon, Sanggon
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전상곤Jeon, Sanggon
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