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도시지하공간 식물재배시설 조성에 대한 지불의사액 추정: 메트로팜 사례를 중심으로

2012.10.19 21120
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    이원석, 이수연; 서명훈; 김성기; 전철현
  • 등록일

1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 실증분석
4. 결론 및 함의


The underground and subway space, which is one of main public transportations and representative underground area in Seoul, causing interior air pollution and environmental degradation, could threaten citizens' health and aesthetic. The purpose of the research is to estimate willingness to pay for horticultural metro-farm facilities and air quality improvement by using onsite DBCV in metropolitan Seoul. The in-person 539 survey results show that 'aesthetic·emotional stability' gets the highest mark, followed by 'air quality improvement', 'scenery', 'environmental awareness', etc. The WTP estimated is about ₩2,382 per household and the benefit expanded of metro-farm introduction is calculated to be ₩234.1 billion (WTP ₩2,381.5/3years/1st× 4,117,000 households×response rate 79.6%), and then the following net benefit is ₩148.5 billion assuming that total cost is ₩85.7 billion (ten metro-farm facilities for each one of 298 stations in Seoul), and BC ratio is about 2.73. Hence, the result shows that introduction of horticultural metro-farm facilities to improve the underground environment in Seoul will produce a variety of beneficiary effects and their distribution and expansion is expectable.

The underground and subway space, which is one of main public transportations and representative underground area in Seoul, causing interior air pollution and environmental degradation, could threaten citizens' health and aesthetic. The purpose of the research is to estimate willingness to pay for horticultural metro-farm facilities and air quality improvement by using onsite DBCV in metropolitan Seoul. The in-person 539 survey results show that 'aesthetic·emotional stability' gets the highest mark, followed by 'air quality improvement', 'scenery', 'environmental awareness', etc. The WTP estimated is about ₩2,382 per household and the benefit expanded of metro-farm introduction is calculated to be ₩234.1 billion (WTP ₩2,381.5/3years/1st× 4,117,000 households×response rate 79.6%), and then the following net benefit is ₩148.5 billion assuming that total cost is ₩85.7 billion (ten metro-farm facilities for each one of 298 stations in Seoul), and BC ratio is about 2.73. Hence, the result shows that introduction of horticultural metro-farm facilities to improve the underground environment in Seoul will produce a variety of beneficiary effects and their distribution and expansion is expectable.

이원석Lee, Wonsuk
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이원석Lee, Wonsuk
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