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관광영향인식이 지역주민의 지지에 미치는 영향

2010.12.01 18110
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    손은호, 박덕병
  • 등록일

1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 연구방법
4. 연구결과
5. 결론


This study aimed to investigate the impact of sustainable tourism on residents' support.
A survey was conducted to accomplish this purpose on scientifically selected samples of residents.
The analysis was made from 366 questionnaires returned by residents of study areas. In the analysis
of the collected data, we used the multiple regression analysis after getting the collected data through
the data coding process. The result of the analysis showed that the three factors of positive social-cultural
impact, positive economic impact, and negative social-cultural impact were significantly related to
residents' support. The results suggest that it is important for policy makers and community leaders to
consider social-cultural and economic impact when decision making on development planning.

This study aimed to investigate the impact of sustainable tourism on residents' support.
A survey was conducted to accomplish this purpose on scientifically selected samples of residents.
The analysis was made from 366 questionnaires returned by residents of study areas. In the analysis
of the collected data, we used the multiple regression analysis after getting the collected data through
the data coding process. The result of the analysis showed that the three factors of positive social-cultural
impact, positive economic impact, and negative social-cultural impact were significantly related to
residents' support. The results suggest that it is important for policy makers and community leaders to
consider social-cultural and economic impact when decision making on development planning.

손은호Son, Eunho
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손은호Son, Eunho
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