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역특성가격함수를 이용한 승마장의 특성별 가치 추정

1. 서 론
2. 분석모형
3. 분석자료
4. 분석결과
5. 요약 및 결론
An inverse hedonic function, suggested by Nerlove (1995), is estimated with a Korean riding club data set.
Implicit prices for riding club's characteristics are derived from the estimated inverse hedonic function.
A usual hedonic function for which quantity is assumed to be determined exogenously is also estimated,
but is rejected by the inverse hedonic function by a nonnested hypothesis testing. Price elasticity of horse-back
riding is estimated to be -0.67. It is shown that the WTP for riding is affected by riding club's location,
accommodation, number of horses, trail length, number of instructors, parking lots and opening year.
An inverse hedonic function, suggested by Nerlove (1995), is estimated with a Korean riding club data set.
Implicit prices for riding club's characteristics are derived from the estimated inverse hedonic function.
A usual hedonic function for which quantity is assumed to be determined exogenously is also estimated,
but is rejected by the inverse hedonic function by a nonnested hypothesis testing. Price elasticity of horse-back
riding is estimated to be -0.67. It is shown that the WTP for riding is affected by riding club's location,
accommodation, number of horses, trail length, number of instructors, parking lots and opening year.

저자에게 문의

KREI의 출판물은 판매 대행사 (정부간행물판매센터)와 아래 서점에서 구입 하실 수 있습니다.
교보문고 | http://www.kyobobook.co.kr |
영풍문고 | http://www.ypbooks.co.kr |
알라딘 | http://www.aladin.co.kr |
상세정보 조회17351
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