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한국 산림의 공익적 가치추정 : 선택실험법을 이용하여

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 설문지 설계
4. 조사방법과 분석모형
5. 분석결과
6. 결 론
The purpose of this study was to evaluate forest public functions by using Choice Experiments(CE). Experts interview, focus groups interview and pilot surveys were implemented for efficiency of experimental design. Nine attributes including eight forest public functions and tax payments were selected to estimate public value of forest in Korea. Attributes were the storage and purification function of water, the reduction of soil erosion, the prevention of landslide, sequestration of CO2, formation of living environment, the recreational function of the forest, ecosystem protection, forest landscape improvement and tax payment. 508 citizens were selected using Stratified Sampling Methods, and surveyed by face-to-face interviews. Implicit prices of the attributive levels have been calculated into monetary value per household. The results showed that most preferable forest public functions were formation of living environment, the storage and purification function of water and sequestration of CO2. Results of this study could be used as useful quantitative information related to sustainable forest management in Korea.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate forest public functions by using Choice Experiments(CE). Experts interview, focus groups interview and pilot surveys were implemented for efficiency of experimental design. Nine attributes including eight forest public functions and tax payments were selected to estimate public value of forest in Korea. Attributes were the storage and purification function of water, the reduction of soil erosion, the prevention of landslide, sequestration of CO2, formation of living environment, the recreational function of the forest, ecosystem protection, forest landscape improvement and tax payment. 508 citizens were selected using Stratified Sampling Methods, and surveyed by face-to-face interviews. Implicit prices of the attributive levels have been calculated into monetary value per household. The results showed that most preferable forest public functions were formation of living environment, the storage and purification function of water and sequestration of CO2. Results of this study could be used as useful quantitative information related to sustainable forest management in Korea.

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KREI의 출판물은 판매 대행사 (정부간행물판매센터)와 아래 서점에서 구입 하실 수 있습니다.
교보문고 | http://www.kyobobook.co.kr |
영풍문고 | http://www.ypbooks.co.kr |
알라딘 | http://www.aladin.co.kr |
상세정보 조회16540
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