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유럽 주요국의 농업인 교육·훈련사업의 동향과 시사점

2004.07.01 15061
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    박문호, 박영구
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

1. 머리말
2. 유럽의 농업인 교육·훈련사업의 동향
3. 주요국의 농업인 교육·훈련사업의 실태
4. 유럽의 농업인 교육·훈련사업의 시사점


Nowadays, as agricultural market has been rapidly opened, many agricultural counterplans have been established to secure agricultural competitiveness in Korea. but the most important thing among counterplans is manpower which keeps potentials of agricultural competitiveness.
Particularly, in modern society knowledge and information are play an important role in value creation. So development of manpower is kernel for each country's national competitiveness.
Agri-educational body, association and administration have to guarantee their specialized function and improved quality of system, as key function of manpower development
In order to get implication point in Korea, it is necessary to investigate the agri-educational system of developed countries.
The object of this study is to examine closely for farmers educational training system of EU. In Particular, farmers vocational education trend that shifted from government to non-government is on focus in this study.

Nowadays, as agricultural market has been rapidly opened, many agricultural counterplans have been established to secure agricultural competitiveness in Korea. but the most important thing among counterplans is manpower which keeps potentials of agricultural competitiveness.
Particularly, in modern society knowledge and information are play an important role in value creation. So development of manpower is kernel for each country's national competitiveness.
Agri-educational body, association and administration have to guarantee their specialized function and improved quality of system, as key function of manpower development
In order to get implication point in Korea, it is necessary to investigate the agri-educational system of developed countries.
The object of this study is to examine closely for farmers educational training system of EU. In Particular, farmers vocational education trend that shifted from government to non-government is on focus in this study.

박문호Park, Moonho
소속: 연우회
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
박문호Park, Moonho
소속: 연우회
저자에게 문의

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