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방콕협정의 농산물 무역전환효과와 협상 대책

2004.07.01 14109
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

1. 머리말
2. 방콕협정의 경제 규모와 역내 교역
3. 방콕협정의 무역전환효과 계측
4. 맺음말: 방콕협정 제3라운드 협상 전략


The objective of this study is to measure the impacts of agricultural product offer at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Potential Bilateral Trade(PBT), which may be interpreted as a maximum level of trade diversion effect is estimated to US$ 1.6 billion for 122 agricultural products that requested by China. This amount exceeded current agricultural import from China. The biggest PBT is US$ 345 million for corn followed by US$ 250 million for food preparations and US$ 200 for tobacco.
These results seem to back up the strategy of excluding agricultural product from concession at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Or it supports Korean position of re-negotiating the inclusion of agricultural products after settlement of WTO/DDA negotiation.

The objective of this study is to measure the impacts of agricultural product offer at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Potential Bilateral Trade(PBT), which may be interpreted as a maximum level of trade diversion effect is estimated to US$ 1.6 billion for 122 agricultural products that requested by China. This amount exceeded current agricultural import from China. The biggest PBT is US$ 345 million for corn followed by US$ 250 million for food preparations and US$ 200 for tobacco.
These results seem to back up the strategy of excluding agricultural product from concession at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Or it supports Korean position of re-negotiating the inclusion of agricultural products after settlement of WTO/DDA negotiation.

어명근Eor, Myongkeun
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어명근Eor, Myongkeun
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