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일본 와인산업의 현황과 과제

2003.12.01 12871
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
    김성각, 위태석
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

1. 서 론
2. 일본에 있어서의 와인산업의 현황
3. 일본에 있어서의 와인의 제조와 판매
4. 일본 와인산업의 발전방향과 과제
5. 한국 와인산업의 시사

The wine market of Japan has been expanding rapidly with its developing economy since 1970s . Now the Japan wine market represents a very high seller concentration and is under the control of a few of big scale wine makers. Moreover Japan wine industry has largely depended on the imported wine & raw materials and such trends is getting stronger recently under the name of cost saving and quality improvement of Japan wine.
However, there are a lot of small and medium scale wine makers in Japan, which has been trying to make an original Japan Wine for a long time. In this paper, such medium scale wine makers are analyzed mainly focusing on how they acquire raw grape and market their wine.


The wine market of Japan has been expanding rapidly with its developing economy since 1970s . Now the Japan wine market represents a very high seller concentration and is under the control of a few of big scale wine makers. Moreover Japan wine industry has largely depended on the imported wine & raw materials and such trends is getting stronger recently under the name of cost saving and quality improvement of Japan wine.
However, there are a lot of small and medium scale wine makers in Japan, which has been trying to make an original Japan Wine for a long time. In this paper, such medium scale wine makers are analyzed mainly focusing on how they acquire raw grape and market their wine.

김성각Kim, Sunggak
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김성각Kim, Sunggak
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