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미국 푸드스탬프제도의 운영실태와 시사점

2003.12.01 15453
연구보고서 표지
  • 저자
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

1. 서 론
2. 미국 푸드스탬프 운영 개황
3. 전자지불(EBT) 시스템 운영실태 및 효과
4. 푸드스탬프 가맹점 운영 체제
5. 미국 푸드스탬프 프로그램의 이슈
6. 미국 푸드스탬프제도의 도입 시사점

The purpose of the U.S. Food Stamp Program is to end hunger and improve nutrition and health. It helps low-income households who buy the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet. Korea could introduce food assistance program such as U.S. food Stamp Program, mainly being focused on improving nutrition and health for low income families.
In order to launch this program successfully, the operation system should be related to current cash assistance system for low income families, and the infrastructure for EBT(Electronic Benefit Transfer) system should be constructed in food market.


The purpose of the U.S. Food Stamp Program is to end hunger and improve nutrition and health. It helps low-income households who buy the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet. Korea could introduce food assistance program such as U.S. food Stamp Program, mainly being focused on improving nutrition and health for low income families.
In order to launch this program successfully, the operation system should be related to current cash assistance system for low income families, and the infrastructure for EBT(Electronic Benefit Transfer) system should be constructed in food market.

최지현Choi, Jihyeon
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최지현Choi, Jihyeon
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