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농림기술개발사업의 연구성과 확산 촉진방안

Technological diffusion is a crucial means for technological innovation, and,
at the same time, constitutes a feedback system along with technological
development. Main results of the study are as follows. Firstly, various programs
on technology education and training needs to be expanded. Secondly, through
realistic reset of technology fees, research agencies and researchers can be
motivated and re-investment be possible. Thirdly and finally, those technologies
which have been accepted by the policy-makers and society are required to be
systematically re-assessed, and more chances for press notice, explanation
meeting, and exhibition of new technologies are provided. For these results to
be effective, it is required to introduce a new management system which directs
itself toward more diffusion of technology into the current research management
system. Future approach to research results should be a "result diffusion-
oriented" one to the contrast of current" performance management-oriented"
목 차
1. 머리말
2. 농림기술 확산의 특성과 유형
3. 농림기술개발사업 연구성과 확산 현황 및 한계
4. 농림기술 확산
5. 맺음말

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상세정보 조회11971
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