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A Study on Enhancing Utilization of Rules of Origin in Korea’s FTAs: A Focus on the Agri-Food Exporters (영문요약본)

2024.10.14 2271
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김상현, 정대희; 김경필; 박슬기; 차원규; 이상현
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Changes in Agricultural and Food Export Structure and FTA Export Utilization Status
Chapter 3. Effects and Discussion Trends of FTA Rules of Origin
Chapter 4. Korea’s FTA Rules of Origin Management System
Chapter 5. Analysis of the Impact of FTA Rules of Origin on Agricultural Exports
Chapter 6. Analysis of FTA Rules of Origin Utilization by Agricultural and Food Export Companies
Chapter 7. Measures to Enhance the Utilization of FTA Rules of Origin by Agricultural and Food Export Companies


이 보고서는 2023년 기본과제인 「농식품 수출 확대를 위한 FTA 원산지규정 활용방안」를 요약하여 ChatGPT로 번역한 보고서이다.

한글 전체보고서는 전체보고서(바로가기)에서 이용할 수 있다.

Purpose of Research
○ The non-optimal utilization of FTAs by agri-food exporters can be attributed to the inherent heterogeneity, complexity, and uncertainty associated with the rules of origin within FTAs, thus hampering the realization of the intended benefits during the concurrent pursuit of multiple FTAs. This research seeks to contribute to the favorable outcomes of FTA, which encompass enhancing price competitiveness through tariff reductions, expanding export volumes, and securing new markets abroad by placing a particular focus on the preferential rules of origin within FTAs. To achieve this objective, we used a threefold approach. First, we comprehensively analyzed the distribution and characteristics of the rules of origin within FTAs. Subsequently, the determinants and economic ramifications of these rules of origin for agri-food exports from South Korea were examined. Finally, this research endeavored to identify the real-world utilization status of these rules of origin within FTAs and to highlight the challenges faced by agri-food exporters during their utilization. It aimed to devise a roadmap for enhancing the efficient utilization of the rules of origin within FTAs by suggesting improvements and recommendations based on the findings.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

김상현Kim, Sanghyun
소속: 글로벌연구실
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
김상현Kim, Sanghyun
소속: 글로벌연구실
저자에게 문의

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