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A Study on Improving the Revenue Structure of Public Expenditure in Agriculture (영문요약본)

2024.10.14 2770
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김미복, 임소영; 박미선; 임준형
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Diagnosis of the Financial Structure in Agriculture and Rural Areas
Chapter 3. Changes in the Conditions of Agricultural and Rural Financial Expenditures and the Role of the SRDT
Chapter 4. Analysis of the Impact of the SRDT (Nongteukse) on Agricultural Policy Budget
Chapter 5. Improvement Strategies for Efficient Fiscal Management in the Agricultural and Rural Sector


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Purpose of Research
○ This study aimed to derive policy tasks and propose institutional Improvement Strategies by reviewing the revenue structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. It specifically emphasized ways to reform the fiscal revenue and expenditure of the Ministry, with a focus on the SRDT, which holds a significant share in agricultural and rural fiscal revenue and is scheduled to expire in 2024.

Research Method
○ This study examined various budget documents of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and budget-related statistical data to understand the fiscal revenue structure and better grasp the issues stemming from it. A literature review and a series of group meetings were also conducted to identify changes in the conditions surrounding agricultural policies and the SRDT and to compare the SRDT with other earmarked taxes. In addition, a survey was conducted to assess the awareness and perception of SRDT and fiscal expenditures in the agricultural and rural sectors. The survey targeted 814 nonfarmers (mobile survey) and 500 farmers (face-to-face interviews). Furthermore, we empirically analyzed whether the SRDT crowded out the general agricultural budget.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

김미복Kim, Meebok
소속: 농업재정금융연구실
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김미복Kim, Meebok
소속: 농업재정금융연구실
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