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산림복지서비스 전달체계 개선방안

제1장 서론
제2장 산림복지 정책 동향과 진단
제3장 산림복지의 의미 고찰
제4장 산림복지서비스 수급 실태
제5장 개선방안
국가는 급증하고 다양화된 산림복지서비스 수요에 적극적으로 나서 대응해 왔으며, 민간에게도 수익 창출의 기회를 제공하고자 노력해 왔다. 현시점에서 산림복지와 관련된 제도적 기반은 탄탄하다. 「산림복지 진흥에 관한 법률」이라는 독자 법률이 있으며, 법에 따른 산림복지진흥계획을 운영하고, 한국산림복지진흥원이라는 공공기관을 두고 있으며 매년 3천 명씩 산림복지전문가를 양성하고 있다. 정부의 과감한 정책 투자로 ‘산림복지’의 내용적, 시간적, 공간적 범위가 확장되었으나, 산림복지 전달체계 측면에서는 한계를 노출하고 있다. 특히, 공급측면에서 공공 부문의 쏠림 현상이 분명하며, 민간 영역의 참여가 활발하지 않다. 즉, 공급 부문에 해당하는 산림복지서비스를 둘러싼 주체 간에 관계가 적절하게 설정되어 있지 않아, 결과적으로 수요자는 충분하게 산림복지 서비스를 누리지 못하고 있다. 2019년 기준, 산림휴양복지 시설 경험률은 18.7%에 불과하다. 이상의 배경에서 산림복지서비스의 수급실태를 엄밀히 진단하여 ‘바람직한’ 산림복지 서비스 ‘전달체계’를 제시하고자 하였다.
Research Background
○The government has actively responded to the diversified demand for forest welfare services, including forest therapy, forest education, and recreation. It has made efforts to provide opportunities for a new business to the private sector.
○Currently, the national support for forest welfare is well established. A related law is in place with a public institution to enforce it. The government also trains 3,000 forest welfare experts every year. Although the scope of forest welfare has expanded with such an effort, there are limitations in the service delivery process, such as matching beneficiaries and suppliers. On the supply side in particular, while the role of the public sector is very significant, the participation of the private sector has dwindled. As a result, consumers did not receive sufficient benefit from forest welfare services due to mismatching between supply and demand.
○Under this background, this study aims to diagnose the current state of supply and demand of forest welfare service and suggest an efficient delivery process of forest welfare service.
Research Methodology
○To diagnose the "right state" of the delivery process of forest welfare service, we developed the evaluation criteria including relevance, continuity, equality, integration, expertise, and accessibility. We set policy analysis, comparative analysis, case study, and supply and demand forecasts according to these criteria. To investigate the achievement and importance of the current project, we examined IPA analysis. In addition, we specified the delivery process of forest welfare service through the perspective of social welfare. We also discussed the case study in Japan, where the government's role is relatively significant in forest welfare. The demand analysis was conducted for the general public, recreational forest users and applicants, and voucher holders and users. For supply analysis, we interviewed officials from a public institution, which account for a large proportion of the supply sector. We also analyze the characteristics of the supply sector based on interviews with forest welfare specialists and experts. A workshop was held to predict future supply and demand. To obtain accurate results, the analysis target was separated, such as the demand of the general public and the supply of forest welfare experts.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)

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상세정보 조회38490
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