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농업용수 비점오염 관리 실태와 개선 방향

제1장 서론
제2장 농업용수 비점오염 실태와 특징
제3장 농업용수 비점오염 관리 정책 현황과 한계
제4장 국내 사례 지역 조사와 시사점
제5장 농업용수 비점오염 관리 활동 참여 마을 설문 조사 결과와 시사점
제6장 농업용수 비점오염 관리 정책 개선 방향
이 연구에서는 농업용수 비점오염 관리 실태를 비구조적 관리 방식 중심으로 파악하고, 보다 효과적인 관리에 필요한 정책 방향을 제안한다. 특히 다음 사항을 세부적으로 파악하고자 하였다. 첫째, 관리 주체 및 제도 설계 측면에서 농업용수 비점오염 관리 개선 과제를 도출한다. 기존 규제 또는 경제적 유인 제공 방식의 보완책으로 자율적 공유자원 관리 방식의 가능성을 타진했다. 둘째, 사례 지역 면담 조사 및 설문 조사 결과를 바탕으로 농업용수 비점오염 관리 과정에서 먼저 개선해야 할 과제를 도출했다. 셋째, 앞의 논의를 토대로 농업용수 비점오염 비구조적 관리 정책 개선 방향을 제안했다.
Research Purpose
○ This study investigates the state of nonpoint source pollution(NPS) from agricultural water centering on nonstructural management and suggests policy directions critical for effective water quality protection. In particular, it looks into the following matters in detail. First, it identifies tasks to improve agricultural water management in terms of management entity and regulatory drafting. Also, this study checks the feasibility of introducing the autonomous shared resource system to supplement existing rules and economic incentives. Second, the study uses targeted interviews and surveys to prioritize targets for improvement in the course of nonpoint source pollution management. Third, it suggests policy directions for nonstructural management based on the matters related to nonpoint source pollution from agriculture.
Research Methodology
○This study uses literature reviews, statistical data analyses, interviews with residents in the case study, surveys, and manuscripts commissioned to external specialists.
-We reviewed previous research and policy data to understand the current state and changes related to agricultural water NPS management (Chapters 2 & 3). We analyzed all data reachable to materialize discussions. Prior research data was also used for reviewing the criteria for the nonstructural management of agricultural water (Chapter 2).
-Sangju in North Gyeongsang Province, Namhae and Geochang in South Gyeongsang Province, Buan in North Jeolla Province, and Hongseong in South Chungcheong Province were selected for interviews. We identified the state of agricultural water usage, residents’ awareness, their experience in local or government-led programs, and related complaints (Chapter 4). We also used a survey agency to supplement the interviews in our case study. The survey result helped to specify the matters discussed in this study (Chapter 5).
-We asked external specialists for three manuscripts. Those materials were used for the in-depth analysis of the areas in the case study (Chapter 4) and the seeking of alternatives for policy improvement (Chapter 6).
Key Findings
○Although there is no legal definition, nonpoint source pollution generally comes from diffuse sources, such as fertilizers, herbicides, land runoff, livestock manures, and untreated livestock wastewater, when they are not absorbed in crops and moved over by rainfall or snowmelt. Primary pollution sources in agriculture include soil particles absorbing nutrients and pesticides (fields and cattle sheds), irrigated water containing microorganisms (rice fields), and antibiotics (livestock farming). Of all farm wastes, agricultural chemicals and fertilizers are the primary sources of water pollution.
-Recently, nonpoint sources have been the primary cause of nationwide water pollution. The discharge load of nonpoint pollutants amounted to BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) 700.6 tons (67.7% of the nationwide water pollutants discharged) and T-P 52.7 tons (72.1% of the nationwide total) in 2018. As the breakdown of the discharge shows that livestock farming (BOD 43.3%, T-P 43.7%) and runoff from farming (BOD 48.7%, T-P 52.5%) are likely to have significant impacts (related government agencies 2020:11), the management of nonpoint source pollution from agriculture will be of more significance.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)

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