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농촌축제 실태와 지역활성화 효과 제고 방안

제1장 서론
제2장 선행연구 및 관련 정책 검토
제3장 농촌축제의 운영 실태와 지역활성화 효과
제4장 농촌축제 참여 주체들의 인식·경험과 정책 수요
제5장 농촌축제의 국내외 지역 사례
제6장 농촌축제 운영 개선과 지역활성화 제고 방안
이 연구는 농촌축제의 개최 및 운영 실태를 분석하고, 농촌축제 자체의 발전은 물론 지역활성화 효과를 제고할 수 있는 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 농촌축제의 개념과 범위를 다시 한 번 정립하고 운영실태를 설문조사, 현장조사, 국내외 사례조사 등 다양한 방법을 통해 분석하였다. 그리고 이를 통해 농촌축제 발전과 농촌 활성화 제고를 위한 지역의 전략 방향 및 정부의 정책 방향을 제시하였으며, 관련된 실천 과제를 제안하였다.
Background and Purpose
○Rural festivals play an important role in rural areas where inherent development capabilities are not enough, even though the festivals small portion of the rural policy. Therefore, it is necessary to develop both the rural festival itself and the method to contribute to the vitalization of rural areas. However, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' support project for rural festivals limits rural festivals to village units, and the purpose of the festival to emphasize the harmony of residents. As a result, the current festival policy places restrictions on the role of festivals that can contribute to the revitalization of rural areas as well as the development of rural festivals themselves.
○This study aims to analyze the rural festivals’ actual conditions, achievements, limitations, and policy demands in related fields. Based on the result of the analysis, this study shows up the direction and projects of desirable policy for developing rural festivals, revitalizing rural areas, and suggesting the implementation strategy.
Research Methodology
○In order to achieve the research goal, we use methods such as iterature review, survey, establishment a rural festival DB and analysis the DB, mobile big data analysis, case surveys. In literature review, we go over existing research and policy data related to rural festivals. Then we establish a rural festival DB in structured form using collected festival data supported by the two ministry: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Using the festival DB, we analyze the basic status of rural festivals. We analyze the movement of festival visitors during festival days for five selected festivals using the SKT mobile big data; then see what ripple effects the produced through the festivals. Three different types of surveys were conducted on urban residents, residents lives in the area of the selected festivals, and public officials who in charge of festivals. Through the survey, we analyze the experience and awareness, satisfaction, and policy demand for/with rural festivals. Details that are difficult to identify through literature review or big data analysis are supplemented through in-depth research; and the cases of Japanese and Spanish rural festivals are investigated through the consignment of expert manuscripts.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)

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