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산림휴양인프라 수급 실태와 정책과제

제1장 서론
제2장 자연휴양림 정책 동향과 이용 실태
제3장 자연휴양림 수급 실태 실증분석
제4장 정책방향과 정책과제
제5장 요약 및 결론
산림청이 진행한 설문조사에 따르면, 국민이 가장 사랑하는 산림 정책은 ‘휴양’이었다. 1989년 대관령 자연휴양림 개장을 시작으로 정부는 국민에게 산림과 그 속의 나무에 기대어 쉴 기회를 제공하려 노력해 왔다. 그 결과, 국민 다섯 명 중 두 명이 1년에 한 번 이상 자연휴양림을 찾고 있다.
자연휴양림 개장 30년을 맞아 대표적인 산림휴양 인프라인 자연휴양림의 수급 실태를 엄밀하게 진단하여 바람직한 정책과제를 제시하는 연구를 마련하였다. 구체적으로, 정책진단과 이용 실태 파악을 통해 제반 문제를 정의하고, 이용실적 70만 건과 휴대폰 위치정보 4만 4천 건을 공간계량경제학의 다양한 방법으로 분석하여 문제의 실체에 대한 접근을 시도하였다.
본 연구에서 처음으로 밝혀진 수급 불일치의 크기, 공공의 시장개입에 따른 마찰의 심각성이나 단일목적지형과 정적활동형으로 드러난 자연휴양림의 위상은 현 정책의 과감한 수정을 요구하고 있다. 이에 정체성 확립, 근거리화, 차별화, 권역화라는 네 가지 정책 방향을 설정하고, 이에 도달하기 위한 아홉 가지 정책과제를 도출하여 제시하였다.
Research Background
Of various functions of the forest, demand for its recreational capacity has been rapidly increasing. The number of visitors to the natural recreation forest, a representative forest recreation infrastructure, increased from 4.81 million in 2004 to 15.33 million in 2018, at an annual increase rate of 0.92 million. Upon this, the government has been putting considerable policies in terms of law, organization, budget, and infrastructure to meet the surging demand for forest recreation. However, the basis of how to implement these policies effectively is not in place, and various policy issues related to the natural recreation forest remain unresolved. (The private sector has to compete with other recipients of national subsidies or grants even though its participation is essential, and the effect of vitalization of mountain villages, one of the objectives of the natural recreation forest, is insignificant). Therefore, this research aims to propose a desirable direction for supply and demand policies for the natural recreation forest through quantitative and spatial analyses of its demand and supply.
Research Methodology
The temporal scope of the research ranged mainly from 2016 to 2019 but extended to the time where there were available statistical data. Its spatial scope focused on natural recreation forests and their surrounding areas but also included the urban areas, the source of demand, namely the nationwide. The main research subject was the natural recreation forests, and one forest campsite was incorporated as a direct research object because it was directly managed by the National Recreation Forest Management Office. Research methods were primarily divided into demand analysis and supply analysis. The demand analysis was conducted in the form of analysis of the actual utilization of natural recreation forests, analysis of the travel distance through location tracking, spatial network analysis, and analysis of the characteristics of natural recreation forest users and the amount of their spending. The supply analysis conducted included cluster analysis, equity analysis, and analysis of the relationship with other forest infrastructures. Also, literature research, fundamental statistical analysis, the study of domestic and international cases, policy diagnosis, and policy conferences were conducted.
The following implications were found through the analysis of forest recreation policies: (1) It is necessary to analyze business regions where the demand for natural recreation forests is centered, and propose directions for differentiation and specialization through regionalization. (2) It is needed to analyze natural recreation forests as well as their relationship with forest welfare infrastructure, to check whether it is possible to combine these infrastructures and, if possible, what the expected effects are. (3) Underlying issues related to the supply of natural recreation forests, such as location, capacity, and the allocation of sites, need to be contemplated.
Analysis of the current conditions of natural recreation forests revealed the following implications: (1) Considering that the utilization rates of central government, local government, and private natural recreation forests vary mostly with the ownership but the users do not mind who the owner is, a plan to properly allocate demand for central government, local government, and private natural recreation forests is needed. (2) For the local government natural recreation forests of which utilization rates showed high variation, it is necessary to seek a plan to standardize and increase their utilization rates. (3) As the quality of services provided and the level of fees are significantly different depending on the owner, it is necessary to suggest a plan to distribute roles among central government, local government, and private natural recreation forests and to establish appropriate levels of services each of them provides.
(The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)
Researchers: Koo Jachoon, Seok Hyundeok, Byun Seungyeon
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: selenium78@krei.re.kr

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