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글로벌시대 농산물 물류 및 상품 표준화 실태와 과제

제1장 서론
제2장 농식품 표준화 정책 현황
제3장 농산물 물류 및 상품 표준화 실태
제4장 농산물 물류 및 상품 표준화에 따른 비용절감 효과분석
제5장 주요국의 농산물 물류 표준화 정책 및 활용 사례와 시사점
제6장 농산물 물류, 상품 표준화 및 글로벌화를 위한 과제
농산물의 효율적인 시장거래를 위해서는 공통적으로 적용되는 규격화 과정과 생산자로부터 소비자에 이르는 중간물류의 효율화와 편의성 도모를 위한 물류 기기, 장비 등의 물류 표준화가 절대적으로 필요하다.
이에 농산물품질관리원에서는 농산물의 표준규격화 정책을 추진하고 물류 표준화 사업도 추진하여 농산물의 포장화율과 표준규격 출하율이 증가하고 팰릿 출하율과 하역기계화율이 높아지고 있다. 그럼에도 농산물의 상품 표준화와 물류 표준화는 특히 주류 유통경로인 도매시장을 중심으로 부진한 것이 사실이다.
또한, 농산물의 생산과정부터 상품화, 유통물류, 저장, 가공, 소매 전 과정에 걸쳐 안전한 먹거리 공급체인, 정보체계에 대한 요구가 커지고 있으나, 여전히 생산과 유통, 가공, 소비 등 공급 체인에 대한 정보 코드와 정보전달 체계가 단절되어 관련 체계 구축이 시급한 실정이다.
이 연구는 현행 농산물 규격 표준화와 물류 표준화 실태를 심층 조사 분석하여, 이를 바탕으로 농산물의 포장 규격화 및 물류 효율화 방안을 제시하였다. 또한, 포장, 물류 및 이력추적의 연계성을 강화하여 물류 효율을 증진하고, 얼굴 있는 농산물 유통체계를 구축하는 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다.
Research Background
One of the characteristics of agricultural products is their size, shape, or quality is not uniform because their production depends on various factors, for example, cultivar, natural conditions, and production technology, unlike industrial products. For efficient trade of agricultural products in the market, it is required to implement standardized processes and logistics, for example, standardized logistics equipment and machines for efficient logistics services and convenience.
To this end, the MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) has made the NAQS (National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service) enforce the standardized specification policy, and the MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) established the standard logistics specifications for cargo compartments, and cargo pallet loading standards, and promotes national logistics standardization, for example, the Pallet Pool System, logistics information standardization, and international standardization.
Despite the efforts, the agricultural products displayed on pallets and marketed in the Garakdong Wholesale Market still account for 21.5% in 2017, and the ratio of using unloading machines in the wholesale market where 50% of fruits are traded is still 20.5% in 2017. The wholesale market experiences slow progress of using pallets and unloading machines because of marketing conditions unfavored by production organizations, poor recognition of efficient logistics, and conditions (facilities, storage, and management) unprepared for using unloading machines in the wholesale market.
As people have more income contributing to higher demands for safe food supply chains and information systems in the whole process of production, packaging, distribution, storage, processing and retail, there is an urgent need to build a system address the issue of the information codes isolated from the information delivery system for the supply chain including production, distribution, processing and consumption.
Therefore, this study aims to examine and analyze currently standardized agricultural product specifications and logistics to suggest a strategy for packaging specifications and efficient logistics for farming products. Moreover, it seeks to suggest a strategy for enhancing connectivity between packaging, logistics, and history tracking to implement more efficient logistics and build a trustworthy distribution system for agricultural products.
Research Methodology
This study is composed of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis was carried out concerning prior studies, related documents and statistical data, surveys with questionnaires, in-depth interviews, econometric model analysis, experts’ articles, and data from research conferences.
Collection and analysis of related documents and statistical data was based on the data from the NAQS, KAFTC (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation), Seoul Agro-Fisheries & Food Corporation, MAFRA, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nonghyup, the Ministry of Environment and the Korea Environment Corporation.
For analyzing current standardization of agricultural products for major wholesale markets, a survey with questionnaires was carried out with 87 auctioneers, 190 intermediate wholesalers mainly for analyzed categories about marketing units of each group, marketing type, exaggerated packaging and false marking, observance of standard specifications, grade and size specifications, display on pallets, and views about government policies.
Researchers of this study often visited local organizations (Daejeo Nonghyup in Busan, Sedo Nonghyup in Buyeo, Wonye Nonghyup in Daegwallyeong, Dongbu Nonghyup in Hapcheon, Jeju Horticulture Cooperative, and Nonghyup office), distributers (Nongsan Trading, Hapcheon Marketing, Jeju Nonghyup Store), wholesale markets (auctioneers and intermediate wholesalers for each item), large-scale distributors (E-mart, Nonghyup Hanaro Mart) to conduct in-depth interviews with them.
Moreover, an expert advisory committee was organized to have expert members from wholesale market owners, distribution enterprises, large-scale distributors, research institutes and universities, to listen to various opinions and reflect them in the research results.
The quantitative analysis was carried out to estimate the effect on each item based on the data of Seoul Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation and the methodology of prior studies to analyze the impact of decreasing costs by standardized agricultural product logistics and goods. The effect of reduced logistics cost was also calculated in consideration of additional fees and the reduced expense from a change in marketing from current packaged specifications to pallet type marketing.
The standardization policy for agri-food is classified into standard specifications and standard logistics policies. First, concerning the standard specification policy for agricultural products, the national inspection specification focusing on grains and purchase of exported agricultural products was used, and Nonghyup implemented its standard specification projects between the 1970s and 1980s. After a switch to commercial farming and appearance of public wholesale markets, the task of standard specifications was transferred from Nonghyup to the central government (NAQS) in 1992 to promote both packaging specifications and grade specifications. Between 1997 and 1998, the specifications for packaging agricultural products were restructured to comply with the national specifications for standardized domestic logistics, and employ pallet standardization ideal for the modules of transportation and packaging dimensions complying with the KS (Korea Industrial Standards). After 2000, quality standards upgraded, and the small packaging specifications were established to meet diversified trends of trade, for example, consumer-oriented and e-transactions for grade specifications.
The standard specifications are composed of packaging specifications and grade specifications. The packaging specifications specify markings, including trade units, packaging dimensions, packaging materials, packaging methods, and packaging design. As of 2019, compulsory markings include trade units for 119 items, 115 packing dimensions, seven types of packaging materials, and seven types of markings. Two standard pallets for transportation packaging dimensions (1,100×1,100㎜, 1,200×1,000㎜) are made to comply with 69 and 40 sizes, respectively. The packaging materials (corrugated cardboard box) are composed of 36 types depending on six types (slotted, bending, slider, fixed, ready-glued types).
An exemplary political means for standard specifications includes the joint marketing support for agricultural products (joint sorting cost). This is a program for granting a given amount of national funds when Nonghyup members, producer organizations of supported items, agricultural corporations, public wholesale markets, or local distributors registered with Nonghyup stores conduct joint sorting of farm products.
A logistics standardization project was undertaken while the National Competitiveness Enhancement Team promoted logistics standardization in August 1995. It became a new project in 1997 (by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) to be selected as one of 100 tasks of Kim Dae-Jung Administration and become one of the public commitments by the president of Roh Moo-Hyun Administration in February 2003. The logistics standardization project was integrated with the joint marketing project for standard specifications as a single project, as the local distribution project system was reorganized in 2010.
An exemplary political means for logistics standardization is the project for encouraging people to implement joint use of logistics equipment. It is a program for granting 60% of the fee (including VAT) from the national funds when Nonghyup members, producer organizations of supported items, agricultural corporations, public wholesale markets or local distributors registered with Nonghyup stores use logistics machines to market agricultural products.
(The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)
Researchers: Kim Byungryul, Song Seonghwan, Joo Jaechang, Ha suan, Jeon Changgon
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: brkim@krei.re.kr

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