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한국 농어촌 마을의 변화 실태와 중장기 발전 방향(5/5차년도)

제1장 서론
제2장 선행연구 검토 및 연구 과제
제3장 한국 농어촌 마을의 변화 실태
제4장 사례 마을의 주요 변화 특성
제5장 농어촌 마을의 장래 여건
제6장 농어촌 마을의 발전 방향
제7장 결론
산업화·근대화 시대를 거치면서 수십 년간 이촌향도의 흐름이 이어진 결과 대다수 농어촌 마을들에서 인구 과소화와 고령화가 심화되어왔다. 공동체 활동 기반도 약화되었고, 일부 마을들을 놓고는 장래 존립 가능성을 우려하는 목소리가 들리기도 한다.
한편 지금까지와는 다른 변화도 눈에 띈다. 귀농·귀촌 추세와 함께 인구가 다시금 늘어나는 마을들이 전국적으로 목격되고 있으며, 공동체 재활성화를 시도하는 활동 사례들도 나타나고 있다. 도시화를 움직일 수 없는 대세로 여겼던 1990년대 후반까지만 해도 주목하지 못했던 일들이다. 위기 상황에 처해 있지만 농어촌 마을은 여전히 국토를 이루는 가장 기초적인 정주 단위이며 앞으로도 그럴 것이다.
우리 연구원은 2015년부터 올해까지 전국 농어촌 마을에서 나타나는 인구, 경제활동, 공동체, 생활권 등 여러 측면의 변화들을 살펴보는 연구를 진행하였다. 5개년 연구의 마지막 해인 올해는 지금까지 진행한 연구 결과들을 종합하여 농어촌 마을의 변화를 낳은 요인들을 살펴보았다. 현재의 마을 변화 상황을 고려할 때 장래 요청되는 정책 방향에 대해서도 논의하였다.
Research Background
Many Korean rural villages have gone through challenges such as population decrease and aging problems, and their sustainability is in question. Some experts argue against the necessity of continuous investments in those rural villages. However, such negative opinions lack empirical analysis on the transformations of farming and fishing communities. Moreover, we even witness the long trend of rural to urban migration turning around. Notably, some villages whose population has shrunken recently see more people moving in for settlement. Whether this urban to rural migration is a temporary trend caused by an economic downturn or not needs thorough analysis. Also, it is necessary to examine the functions of rural villages and the transformation of community organizations. Although village functions as a community have weakened, other functions are expanding. At the time of the decentralization of power, it is essential to set new visions and plans for the development of rural villages.
Research Methodology
This study is based on preceding literature research, analysis of nationwide statistical data, re-analysis of preceding research findings, the examination of past cases at home and abroad, and survey of local government officials. Concerning preceding literature research, we focused on changes in the state of farming villages and village functions that are newly expanding. We explored the raw data of the population per village unit and the statistical data regarding the socio-economic characteristics of the subject villages. We visited farming and fishing villages for field research to gain valuable outcomes. Also, we reviewed the past results of the 1st to 4th year based on the analysis framework for the 5th year. The survey of local government officials targeted those in charge of rural village development and asked them about the prospect of the transformation of rural villages in their areas and the policy direction for the future.
Rural villages whose population shrunk continuously have revitalized helped by the recent urban to rural migration. As various people have migrated to rural areas for settlement, an increasing number of rural communities, including automated technology-based farming and fishing villages, see their population growing. So we can safely assess that this trend seems to be a turnaround from the population reduction rural villages went through in the course of modernization.
This trend is distinctive not only in nationwide statistical data but also in the examination of cases. Although the accessibility to urban areas still impacts changes in the population, the degree of influence has become smaller than the past.
Village functions and organization has changed. The function of production through the cooperation of the entire village has weakened, while that of small cooperative units based on personal relationships has enhanced. In some villages, group activities focusing on solving problems related to governmental policies become popular.
In general, the environment and amenities of rural villages have become aggravated. Notably, suburban farming areas likely to be used for urban purposes see their living environment getting worse due to reckless land development. In other cases we examined, the influx of the population led to the development of village outskirts. At the same time, the living conditions of the previous residence areas got worse as many rundown houses are deserted.
Based on the cases we examined, we identified the factors that induced changes in rural villages. The macroscopic factors include the newly-highlighted values of rural villages, public requests for multi-functions of rural communities through diversified economic activities, improved accessibility through transportation, ICT-based technological progress, and changes in governmental policy directions. Individual village units’ capabilities to respond to the demand for macroscopic transformation are expected to change farming and fishing communities. Also, as the capability to push region-based policies is likely to be crucial, we pointed out that the gap between villages with and without the active operation of cooperative units would get wide.
Finally, we discussed the visions of rural villages and future policy directions. We visioned the status of rural communities as a base for comfortable residence. Also, as the roles of rural communities will be crucial for land management, we emphasized that rural residents should lead activities to revive the environment and traditional culture. Besides, this study suggested, as one of the visions of rural communities, that they should play new roles in the changing social and economic conditions.
This study proposes the policy directions to achieve these visions as follows: Firstly, it is necessary to nurture farming and fishing villages so that they will advance their living environment and as well as pursue plural values. Secondly, the government should support various community activities which are not limited to the village units, by reflecting the new conditions rural communities go through. Thirdly, residents’ organizations composed of a multiple of village units should be nurtured in consideration of the fact that an increasing number of villages will see their population shrinking. Fourthly, by reflecting the decentralization of power, the government should prepare a community support system led by local governments. Fifthly, the government should seek ways to set up national plans and institutional strategies to help rural communities play various roles and functions down the road. It has to consistently pursue policies for farming and fishing villages through rural plans and agreements.
Researchers: Seong Joo-in, Park Si-hyun, Jung Moon-soo, and Min Kyung-chan
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 12.
E-mail address: jiseong@krei.re.kr

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