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보호무역주의 확산에 따른 농식품 통상분쟁 실태와 정책과제

2020.02.18 78193
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김상현, 조성주; 오새라; 박수연
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 국제통상환경의 변화와 과제
제3장 WTO 통상분쟁 현황과 특징
제4장 WTO 농업부문 통상분쟁 쟁점분석
제5장 농업 통상분쟁 대응과 정책과제


WTO 다자통상체제의 핵심 역할 가운데 하나는 회원국 사이에 발생한 통상분쟁을 원만히 해결하는 데 있다. 회원국 사이의 협상을 통해 마련된 통상규범을 근간으로 하는 통상체제가 통상분쟁을 해결할 수 없다면 그 규범을 이행하는 의미가 없기 때문이다. 이에 따라 WTO는 분쟁해결을 위한 규칙과 절차를 마련하여 분쟁해결기구의 판정결정 이행에 강제성을 부여함으로써 국제무역 흐름의 안정성과 예측가능성을 보장하고 있다. 또한 이런 통상분쟁의 결과는 한 회원국들의 국내 정책에 직·간접적인 변화를 초래하고 분쟁 당사국 사이의 통상규범에 기초한 분쟁해결 방향을 제시하며, 미래 정책방향을 설계하는 데 중요한 사례를 제공한다.

본 연구는 농업부문과 관련성이 높은 WTO 농업부문 통상분쟁을 연구대상으로 한정하여 각 통상분쟁과 WTO 농업협정 및 SPS 협정의 관계에 중점을 두고 접근하였다. 특히, 농업부문에 특화하여 분쟁해결기구에 회부된 WTO 협정 및 규정별 통상분쟁 사례를 종합적이고 체계적으로 분석하였다. 이를 통해 각 WTO 협정별 분쟁사례에서 제시된 쟁점사항과 관련성이 높은 국내 농정 현안을 검토하고 농업통상 분쟁 대응을 위한 정책 시사점을 제시하는 데 그 목적을 두었다.

Research Background
Along with the expansion of the world's participation in global value chains and trade, the complexity of trade has also increased. Notably, major developed countries such as the United States foretell trade pressure on non-tariff measures such as animal and plant quarantine, raising the possibility of trade conflicts among countries under a global trade keynote that emphasizes fairness and transparency in trade.
Trade disputes in the agricultural sector bring about direct changes in the major agricultural policy regimes of each member country, suggest directions for dispute resolution based on trade norms among the parties to the dispute, and provide meaningful examples for the introduction of future policies. Hence, analyzing the WTO dispute cases and identifying key findings will give us lessons to resolve various trade conflicts while maintaining the state’s sovereign rights and maximizing the benefit of trade.
This study conducts comprehensive analysis on the cases of trade disputes referred to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body to identify the major issues raised in the disputes and draw policy implications for the agricultural sector in Korea

Research Methodology
This study conducts a comprehensive analysis on the cases of trade disputes referred to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body to identify the major issues raised in the disputes and draw policy implications for the agricultural sector in Korea.
In order to examine the current condition of trade disputes in the agricultural sector and to derive policy implications, we use statistical analysis and review literature, including the WTO dispute documents and the papers of the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Committee) in the WTO. To ensure the quality of findings, we hold consultations with experts on agriculture policy and trade to reflect their opinions in the study.

○ Changes and Challenges in the International Trade Environment
In recent years, the protectionism using non-tariff measures is expanding, and the Mega FTAs are rising. The Mega FTAs contain modernized trade rules between the related parties and expanding the scope of the dispute settlement system in the Agreements. This movement is in line with the discussions on the limitation and reformation of the WTO system. The main issues in the discussion on reformation of the WTO system are the modernization of regulations and the improvement of the dispute settlement system.
As the international community calls for changes and reinforcement of trade norms and countries are actively participating in the global value chains, interests among the countries may be conflicted in more diverse sectors.
In such changes in international trade rules, it is necessary to analyze existing trade disputes and establish cross-border and domestic policies that can effectively respond to future disputes in the agricultural sector.
○ Current Conditions and Characteristics of WTO Trade Disputes
The cumulative number of trade disputes had increased from 316 in the past 50 years of the GATT regime to 574 in 24 years until 2018 since the launch of the WTO multilateral trade system in 1995. The number of disputes involving agri-food (excluding seafood) increased from 136 to 166 in the same period. The number of disputes raised in relation to the Agreement on Agriculture is 81 (14% of all disputes), and the number of disputes raised in relation to the SPS Agreements is 48 (0.8%). The main parties to these disputes are the United States and the EU. Korea’s main parties to the dispute are the United States, the EU, and Japan. There is only one dispute case Korea filed concerning agri-food, which was against Japan. On the other hand, Korea was sued in seven cases: four by the US, and one each by Australia, Canada, and the EU.

(The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)

Researchers: Kim Sanghyun, Cho Sungju, Oh Saera, Park Suyeon
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: sanghyun@krei.re.kr

김상현Kim, Sanghyun
소속: 글로벌연구실
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
김상현Kim, Sanghyun
소속: 글로벌연구실
저자에게 문의

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