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The Effects of Climate Change on Forest Insect Disturbance in South Korea : Challenges and Prospects (영문판)

Chapter 2. Climate Change and Forest Pests
Chapter 3. Pest Damage Function and Predicted Damage Rate
Chapter 4. Analysis of Economic Impact of Damage by Disease
Chapter 5. Basic Control Direction and Responses to Pest Control
Chapter 6. Summary and Conclusion
Climate change is a serious global issue. It has occurred gradually over a long period but accelerated after the industrial revolution. Rapid climate change can cause great damage to not only humans but also the entire planet. In response to climate change, countries around the world have signed the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Convention and are carrying out various national countermeasure programs to cope with climate change.
Climate change is also a major concern in the forest sector. It can change the benefits of forests to humans or even cause forests to damage humans. One of the damages by forest due to climate change is the emergence of forest pests. As such, studies on the relationship between climate change and the occurrence of forest pests are ongoing in steps, but there are only few studies of the economic impact of forest pests on climate change.
This study presents a method to measure the impact of damage by forest pest as the result of climate change. Specifically, it establishes the damage function with direct and indirect factors affecting the damage by forest pests and predicts the future damage rate according to future climate change. Using the predicted damage rate, it examines the impact of pests on the incomes of and the forest management decision by the forest owner by analyzing the change of future income from forest management, the change of tree forest cutting age, and the control efficacy. Lastly, it conducts a policy experiment to propose an effective forest pest management plan.
Climate change is a serious global issue. It has occurred gradually over a long period but accelerated after the industrial revolution. Rapid climate change can cause great damage to not only humans but also the entire planet. In response to climate change, countries around the world have signed the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Convention and are carrying out various national countermeasure programs to cope with climate change.
Climate change is also a major concern in the forest sector. It can change the benefits of forests to humans or even cause forests to damage humans. One of the damages by forest due to climate change is the emergence of forest pests. As such, studies on the relationship between climate change and the occurrence of forest pests are ongoing in steps, but there are only few studies of the economic impact of forest pests on climate change.
This study presents a method to measure the impact of damage by forest pest as the result of climate change. Specifically, it establishes the damage function with direct and indirect factors affecting the damage by forest pests and predicts the future damage rate according to future climate change. Using the predicted damage rate, it examines the impact of pests on the incomes of and the forest management decision by the forest owner by analyzing the change of future income from forest management, the change of tree forest cutting age, and the control efficacy. Lastly, it conducts a policy experiment to propose an effective forest pest management plan.

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KREI의 출판물은 판매 대행사 (정부간행물판매센터)와 아래 서점에서 구입 하실 수 있습니다.
교보문고 | http://www.kyobobook.co.kr |
영풍문고 | http://www.ypbooks.co.kr |
알라딘 | http://www.aladin.co.kr |
상세정보 조회53777
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