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농업환경자원 관리 정보체계 구축 기초연구

제1장 서론
제2장 농업환경자원 관리 정보체계의 개념적 이해
제3장 현행 농업환경자원 관리 정보체계의 구축 현황과 한계
제4장 해외 농업환경자원 관리와 정보통신기술 발전 동향
제5장 농업환경자원 관리 정보체계의 구축 기본 방향과 과제
제6장 요약과 결론
제1차 경제개발 5개년 계획(1962~1966년)에 따라 식량문제 해결을 위한 단위면적당 수확량 증대의 목적으로 우량토양을 찾는 토양특성조사를 시작으로 지금까지 다양한 종류의 토양도가 작성되어 왔다. 또한 농어촌용수의 안정적 확보와 기능 향상 및 확대를 위해서 농촌용수 이용계획과 농어촌 호소·저수지 수질조사가 주기적으로 이루어지고 있다. 이 외에도 그동안 다양한 분야에서 농업생산성 향상을 위해서 많은 종류의 정보가 체계적으로 수집됐다.
하지만 「친환경농어업 육성 및 유기식품 등의 관리·지원에 관한 법률」을 시작으로 농업환경보전이라는 새로운 시대적 요구에 따라 기존에 구축됐던 농업환경자원 정보의 관리체계도 변화가 필요하게 되었다. 농업생산향상과 함께 농업환경보전을 고려해야 하고, 더욱이 농업환경보전이 자원이 되는 새로운 시대에 맞는 정보체계 구축이 요구되고 있다.
이 연구는 농업환경보전에 대한 인식 고조에 따른 농업환경자원의 개념 확대에 대응하여 전통적인 농업환경자원 관리 정보체계를 진단하고, 농업환경보전이라는 새로운 개념의 확대에 맞는 정보체계로의 전환 방안을 모색하며, 농업환경자원 관리 선진국 수준으로 나아가기 위한 기본 방향과 과제를 제시하고자 노력하였다.
Background & Purpose of Research
The purpose of this study is to present the basic directions and tasks for establishing an information system in line with the expansion of agricultural environmental resource management, which is agricultural environment preservation, together with agricultural production.
Method of Research
This study investigated the current state of the information system related to agricultural environment resource management information established in Korea before and after introduction of environment friendly agricultural promotion law through literature search, internet search, and expert interview. In addition, through the case study, we reviewed the progress and management information of UK agricultural environmental resource management policy. In addition, through the literature survey and Internet search, the development trend of information and communication technology related to agricultural environmental resource management was examined. On the other hand, the information related to the spatial scale and spatial heterogeneity of the information system constructed through the GIS analysis was mapped.
Research Results and Implication
In Chapter 2, we conducted a theoretical review of the agricultural environmental resource management information system. Agri-environmental resources have expanded to include non-market inputs such as landscapes and biodiversity, as well as non-market inputs such as soil and precipitation. And the resources are public goods that are not efficiently allocated due to incompleteness of property rights due to non-excludability and non-rivalry. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the agricultural environment resources which have the characteristics of public goods considering the spacial scale and spatial heterogeneity.
On the other hand, agricultural environment resource management information is necessary to manage agricultural environment resources with the nature of public goods. This study analyzed the agricultural environmental activities of the OECD, UK, Agricultural Environment Conservation Program. And 14 kinds of information were extracted in four major areas: soil and soil conservation, agricultural water quality and water quality management, biodiversity and habitat conservation, and rural landscape management.
In Chapter 3, the current agri-environmental resource management information system is structured in terms of quantitative information that is necessary for the management of agricultural environment resources by individual sector. However, there is no unified system because the information system is not constructed from the integrated perspective of agricultural environment resources. In addition, it is found that the quality of the information system is insufficient for analysis for preservation of agricultural environment. And also, it is needed to set up regional units from an integrated viewpoint of agricultural environment preservation, and collect unified data for each unit. And it is necessary to systematize regional comparison based on the status and change of collected agricultural environmental resources so that agricultural environmental conservation activities can be cost-effective.
In Chapter 4, we reviewed the direction and management information of agricultural environment resource management policy in England which is an advanced country of agricultural environment resource management. In the UK, agriculture and environment resource conservation activities are being carried out by informants, mainly farmers, and they are building and providing information to enable cost-effective agricultural environment conservation activities for farmers. And the technology development during the 4th Industrial Revolution period predicted that the farmer who is a non-specialist would improve the information utilization ability enough to carry out the field-customized agricultural environment activities through smart phone and big data.
In Chapter 5, based on the development direction of the information system in England and the technology development in the 4th Industrial Revolution period, we draw 3 policy directions to overcome limitations of the domestic agricultural resource management information system. First, in order to support the existing business, the information that is individually constructed is redesigned under the integrated platform of agri-environment resource management and the management is changed to integrated management such as coordination of roles. Second, in order to reduce the external effects of agri-environment resources, individual information and information system should be upgraded considering spatial heterogeneity, the difference in the quantity and quality of resources by location. Third, the information system is centered on the accessibility and participation of farmers rather than the government information management, so that the 4th industrial revolution technology is popularized and the farmers become the agricultural environment sensor and the big data analysis becomes popular. In order to implement this basic direction properly, three strategies have been developed. First, it is necessary to supplement existing information that has been constructed by the present information system. The second is the construction of newly required information with the introduction of agri-environment resource management. Thirdly, it is needed to advance the future-oriented information that is understood through the development trends of information technology and advanced countries. In order to lead the three strategies to success, six, four, and four tasks were derived respectively.
Researchers: Sohn Hakgi, Kim Hongsang, Lee Hyunjung
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 10.
E-mail address: hgsohn@krei.re.kr, hshong@krei.re.kr, hjlee@krei.re.kr

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