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농식품 기업의 수출 결정 요인 및 전략 분석

제1장 서론
제2장 농식품 수출기업의 현황
제3장 농식품 기업의 수출 결정 요인
제4장 농식품 수출기업의 전략과 성과
제5장 요약 및 시사점
자유무역협정의 확산으로 농식품의 수입뿐만 아니라 수출 또한 나날이 확대되고 있으며, 글로벌가치사슬 진입과 활용, 농업과 식품산업의 연계, 새로운 시장개척을 통한 부가가치 및 일자리 창출 측면에서 농식품 수출의 정책적 중요도는 상승하고 있다. 따라서 농업계에서도 체계적인 수출전략 수립이 요구되고 있으나, 농식품 수출을 선도하고 지속적으로 해외시장을 개척하는 수출주체로서의 기업의 역할에 관한 국내 농식품 분야의 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 수출주체인 농식품 기업이 수출시장에 진입·지속하는 요인과 수출성과에 영향을 미치는 전략에 대해 분석하였다. 나아가 분석 결과를 바탕으로 수출성과별 전략요인, 농식품 기업 유형별 유효 수출전략, 수출지원제도에 대한 정책적 시사점을 도출하였다.
Background of Research
As a result of the proliferation of bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements, exports of agri-food have been expanding. Policy instruments have played an important role in improving export performance by adding value and jobs in the agri-food industry. However, in Korea, there have been few theoretical and empirical studies on the role of the agri-food exporters as the core of the new trade theory. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants of exports and the factors influencing export performance. Based on the results of this analysis, we investigated the effective strategies and policy implications to improve export performance for each type of agri-food firms. Therefore, the importance of this study is that it empirically explores the strategies of each type of agri-food firms and decision making for exports, as well as the survival in export markets and export performance.
Method of Research
For the analysis, we used the literature review, statistical analysis, econometric analysis, survey, interviews and expert consultation. We examined the status of the agri-food industry and firms and reviewed the theoretical and empirical backgrounds on the determinants of export status and export performance. Statistical data were collected from various sources and used for the analysis. We further examined the effects of corporate characteristics and external environment on export decisions and export performance using the Survey of Business Activities of Statistics Korea and the export support data of Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. We analyzed the relationship between export strategy and export performance by type of agri-food firms by using the results of our survey. The research model and the survey questionnaire were reviewed by experts and reflected in the study. We also conducted interviews with high performing firms to qualitatively complement the results of the empirical results.
Research Results and Implications
In the analysis of decisions to export and the survival in export markets, lagged export status (a proxy for sunk cost) and productivity have positive effects on export decisions in both agri-food and manufacturing industries, supporting the self-selection hypothesis of the new trade theory. On the other hand, the learning-by-exporting hypothesis, which suggests that productivity increases with the entry of exports, was not significant. In addition, productivity improvement positively influenced the export stability in the manufacturing sector, but not in the agri-food sector. Therefore, in order to expand exports in the agri-food sector, it is important to create an industrial ecosystem that enables companies to improve productivity.
The analysis on the stability of the agri-food export found that companies that have stable exports are responsible for a significant portion of the agri-food export. The results show that the probability of continuing the export shipments is increased by market diversification but decreased by product diversification. It is also analyzed that the existence of competing export shipments increases the probability of continuing the export; the higher the relative export price and the export subsidy rate, the higher the probability of discontinuing the export.
Based on the survey analysis, we analyzed the relationship between export strategy and export performance (export per capita, export intensity, market diversification, export growth rate and export stability). As a result of the analysis of the whole company sample, the relationship between strategy and performance differed depending on what is considered the performance indicator, and some strategies could have a negative effect on export performance. Overall, strategies focusing on export risk management and increasing market penetration were found to be effective in improving export per capita. Logistics and distribution-related strategies were analyzed to have a statistically significant relationship to the improvement of export intensity. Focusing on the main products, operating a public relations department, conducting field research and R&D investments were found to have positive effects on expanding export markets. As a result of analyzing the continuous exports by region and by product group, securing export volume has a positive impact on both export growth rate and stability. As such, focusing on the main products was effective in improving export growth and targeting Korean customers abroad; acquiring certification and managing export plans were effective in maintaining exports. In addition to the policy support for productivity improvement of the agri-food firms in general, it is advised to improve the provision of the overseas market information and joint marketing and logistics infrastructure in export markets.
To identify the effective strategies to enhance export performance by type of agri-food exporters, we divided the surveyed firms into four types. In the case of exporting fresh agricultural products (type A), we found that emphasizing the function of the product, labeling in local languages, cooperating with local distributors and managing export risk improve the export value and export intensity. It is shown that the firms in type A could expand the market if they meet the conditions on local marketing and logistics. Thus, policy instruments such as local marketing support would be necessary to expand the export market of fresh agricultural products. In addition, export insurance and overseas promotions are highly participative, so the efficiency of export support can be improved by reinforcing the policy instruments.
In the case of small exporters of processed agricultural products (type B1), focusing on niche markets and pursuing export stability through export volume and risk management are shown to be effective in improving export performance. On the other hand, in the case of medium-sized exporters of processed agricultural products (type B2), aiming at large markets, seeking market diversification and investing in R&D would be effective strategies. Providing information on new markets and non-tariff barriers of them would enable B1 and B2 firms to diversify markets with support for initial investments. Support for quality enhancement and technological advancement with the aim of targeting niche markets would be effective for B1 firms to improve export performance. B2 firms supported by refined policy instruments would result in the industry-level export stability.
Agri-food exporters outsourcing production (type C) can be regarded as firms that concentrate on marketing and specialize in export businesses. The results of the survey show that in general, C firms have high export competitiveness, but they have difficulty in entering new markets because of external factors such as non-tariff barriers. Therefore, efforts to lower non-tariff barriers in trade negotiations would enable type-C firms to expand the export market. In order to expand the overall export of the agri-food industry, it is necessary to develop a policy to increase the export intensity of competitive exporters such as type-C firms.
Researchers: CHO Sungju, MOON Hanpil, KIM Sanghyun, OH Saera
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 10.
E-mail address: sungjucho@krei.re.kr

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