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기능성 농식품 시장의 활성화 방안

제1장 서론
제2장 기능성 농식품 개념과 기본 현황
제3장 국내외 기능성 농식품 시장 현황
제4장 국내 기능성 농식품 생산·유통·소비 실태
제5장 국내외 기능성 농식품 제도 및 정책
제6장 기능성 농식품 시장의 활성화 방안
식품의 기능성과 건강에 대한 소비자의 관심이 증가하고 정부 차원의 R&D 지원이 이루어지면서 기능성 농식품 시장은 지속적으로 성장하고 있다. 기능성 농식품 시장의 성장은 국내산 원료 농산물의 부가가치 창출과 농가의 소득 확대 등 농업부문에 상당한 도전과 기회를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
그러나 기능성 농식품에 대한 범위가 명확하지 않고 식품의약품안전처로부터 인정을 획득한 건강기능식품 이외의 기능성 농식품에는 기능성을 표시할 수 없는 실정이다. 또한 기능성을 인정받기 위해서는 많은 비용과 시간이 소요되어 이에 대한 개선방안이 필요할 것으로 보인다.
이에 따라 기능성 농식품 소재 생산부터 소비까지의 선순환 구조 구축을 통하여 새로운 시장 카테고리 및 경제적 효과를 창출하고 소비자의 권익 증진 및 합리적인 상품 선택의 기회를 확대할 필요성이 있다. 이를 위해서는 기능성 성분을 함유하고 있는 농식품의 기능성 인정 확대와 기능성표시제도 개선 등에 관한 대안 제시가 필요한 것으로 판단된다.
이 연구의 목적은 기능성표시제도의 개선 또는 새로운 제도의 도입과 신선식품을 포함한 농·임·축산물의 기능성 인정 확대 등에 대한 방안을 도출하는 데 있다. 그리고 기능성 농식품의 생산·유통·소비 현황 및 문제점을 분석하여 기능성 농식품 시장의 활성화를 위한 방안을 제시하는 데 있다
Background of Research
The global health food market is about 373.4 billion dollars, growing annually by 7.0% on the average in 2013. Although the functional agri-food market is also growing in Korea, the definition is not clear and it is not allowed to specify “Functionality” for other functional agri-foods except health functional foods. Therefore, it is necessary to build a virtuous cycle from production to consumption of functional agri-food materials to create new market categories and economic effects. It is also necessary to study how to certify the functionality of agri-food and improvement of the functional labeling system in order to provide more opportunities for enhancing consumer’s rights and selecting better products.
This study aims to suggest the strategies for vitalization of the functional agri-food market. More specifically, this study aims to build a means for consumers to choose the proper goods by providing correct information and to develop the functional labeling system that can enhance consumer’s rights or to introduce a new system and expand the recognition of functionality of agri-food including agricultural products, forest products and livestock products and fresh foods. In addition, this study tries to find the factors that inhibit the formation of the virtuous cycle from production to consumption of raw material and materials for activation of the functional agri-food market by analyzing the production, distribution and consumption status and suggest ways to improve it.
Method of Research
We reviewed domestic and foreign researches and data in order to define the definition and scope of functional agri-foods and analyzed the market situation using statistical data of domestic institutions related to functional agricultural products.
A survey was conducted to analyze the status of production and distribution of functional agri-foods with functional agri-food manufacturers, producers (groups) and relevant agencies by questionnaire and in-depth interview. A survey by questionnaire was also conducted with consumers to examine consumer perceptions, purchasing behavior and functional labeling system matters of functional agri-foods. Furthermore, a study was entrusted to experts for comparative analysis with the United States and Japan.
Research Results and Implications
Functional agri-foods are defined in various terms such as dietary supplements, special health supplements, and foods with special functions in accordance with different concepts and institutions in each country. In Korea, the definition is just ‘Health Functional Foods’ in accordance with the ‘Health Functional Foods Act’. Functional agri-foods containing health functional foods are ‘the foods manufactured and processed in various forms by using agricultural, forestry and livestock products containing functional materials or components effective for healthy living, and the foods based on some of fresh agricultural, forestry and livestock products.’ Certification of functional food materials in Korea is divided into ‘Notice type’ and ‘Individual certification type’. The functional food materials under the Notice type category are those registered in the ‘Health Functional Food Standards’, which do not need another certification, and 88 types thereof are currently registered. The functional food materials under the Individual certification type category are those certified by the minister of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, but not registered in the ‘Health Functional Food Standards’, and 243 types thereof are currently registered for 31 functions. R&D for functional agri-food focuses mainly on development of materials and products, safety evaluation and standardization for certifying raw materials, and commercialization. An R&D investment of 106.3 billion won was made in 518 projects by 7 ministries in 2015, and patent applications continue in the field of functional foods.
The functional agri-food market of Japan continues to grow, and that of the US shows an increase in the online market volume. According to available statistical data, the size of the health functional food market in Korea reaches about 1.5 trillion won as of 2014, but most of the companies in the statistics are sellers, whose business scale is not great. The share of sales of top 10 items among entire health functional foods accounts for 89.7%, implying a high concentration on some items. Although functional agri-food manufacturers produce various products, most of them do not obtain the Individual certification. With respect to production type of functional agri-foods, the share of direct production thereof accounts for 54.7%, and domestic agricultural products take up 92.8% of raw materials. However, imports account for 65.7% of functional materials the manufacturers use. Moreover, the manufacturers buy 38.6% and 32.7% of major agricultural products as raw materials from producer groups and the market. It is shown that they value quality and prices of the raw materials the most when buying them. Meanwhile, functional agri-food manufacturers are classified into small-scale venture type, medium- and large-scale specialized enterprise type, similar business expansion type, and imported material manufacturing type depending on the type of supply chains.
It is shown that consumers’ satisfaction with the products they buy is not high, and in particular their satisfaction with prices is low relatively. They put the most emphasis on benefits and effects of the products they buy, and are more likely to buy the products that obtained Individual certification by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety than ordinary non-certified functional agri-foods. In most cases, they access the Internet to get related information, and the most popular purchase channel was the Internet shopping malls. For encouraging consumers to continue to buy the products, it is necessary to ensure reasonable prices, enhanced safety, quality improvement, and propagation of related information. It is also necessary to secure consumer’s trust in the provided description about functions in their products.
In Korea, although the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is responsible for most roles about health functional foods, local governments play an important role and the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) is operated through private autonomy in the US. Moreover, other countries have a scheme of description about functions of health functional products in accordance with special regulations and alleviated regulations in comparison with Korea. Therefore, the functional agri-foods are fully based on science to ensure consumer’s safety and reliability. However, it is essential to operate an appropriate institution to develop and vitalize new raw materials and products.
It is essential that labeling about functions of functional agricultural products is facilitated and legally well-grounded to vitalize the functional agri-food market of Korea. It is also necessary to review the labeling system about functions of agricultural products. It is necessary to specify and enforce exceptional application regulations for expanding functional materials and components and changing raw functional materials into the Notice type. Meanwhile, it is essential to build a national R&D system for functional agri-foods, and stabilize demand and supply of raw materials and other materials. It is further necessary to train specialized human resources for all sectors of functional agri-foods, and make a plan of ensuring reliability in raw agricultural products and other agricultural materials. Moreover, it is necessary to build a platform for providing information about functional agri-foods to consumers, and a system for collecting information on harmful effects thereof on human bodies.
Researchers: Park Seongjin, Jeon Changgon, Kim Donghoon
Research period: 2016. 1. ~ 2016. 10.
E-mail address: seongjin20@krei.re.kr

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