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농업·농촌·식품산업의 미래 비전과 지역발전 전략

제1장 서론
제2장 농업·농촌·식품산업 전망
제3장 농업·농촌·식품산업의 발전방향과 과제
제4장 지역별 농업·농촌·식품산업 발전 방향
제5장 요약 및 결론
최근 5년간 2011년 한·EU, 2012년 한·미 FTA에 이어 2015년 한·중 FTA 등 주요 국가와의 자유무역협정이 체결됨에 따라 한국의 농업·농촌은 급격하게 변화하고 있다. 또한 선진국의 농업·농촌이 장기간에 걸쳐 개방화를 비롯한 구조 변화 과정을 경험한 것과 달리, 한국은 빠른 경제성장과 급격한 인구사회구조 변화 등 외부 환경변화에 대응해야 하는 적응 과정을 겪고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 최근에는 기후변화, 에너지, 환경 변화 등의 위험 요인도 증가하고 있다.
이러한 대내외 여건 변화 속에서 농업·농촌의 장래에 대한 우려와 비관적 전망이 지속적으로 제기되고 있는 한편, 첨단 과학기술 개발과 신시장은 농업의 희망과 비전을 제시하는 요소로 급부상하고 있으며, 도농교류 활성화도 농촌에 활력을 줄 수 있는 기회 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 특히, 식량공급 기능 중심에서 생명산업·대체에너지원 공급 산업으로 영역이 확대됨으로써 부가가치를 높이고 일자리를 창출하는 성장산업으로 미래 농업·농촌의 새로운 도전이 요구되고 있다.
따라서 이 연구는 우리나라 농업 구조의 변화 추이를 반영하여 미래를 전망하고 농업·농촌의 잠재력과 본질적 가치를 재조명하여 미래 농업·농촌의 방향과 비전을 정립하고자 수행되었다.
With rice tariffication in 2014 and the signing of the Korea-China FTA in 2015, Korea concluded free trade agreements with most major countries including the US, the EU, and China, finishing one stage of the agricultural sector's market opening. In an era of full market opening, this study aimed to establish a vision of the future of Korea's agriculture, rural communities, and food industry and present each field's tasks for development and regional development strategies.
For this research, we conducted a SWOT analysis of the future environment of agriculture, rural areas, and the food industry based on the results of previous studies and the expert forum, and derived the vision and tasks for development. We utilized KREI-KASMO, the Korea Rural Economic Institute's agricultural outlook model to calculate the estimates of indices for 20 years related to farming and rural regions. To analyze the order of priority of the tasks and the vision, we carried out in-depth expert research and employed AHP. To draw regional development strategies, we commissioned a study to universities and research institutes in three areas.
We set the following vision of the future of agriculture, rural communities, and the food industry in 20 years: "the sustainable agri-food industry and livable rural areas." Among the directions for development of each field, "stable supply of safe agri-food" took priority over "future growth industrialization of agriculture," "environment conservation and maximization of multifunctionality of farming and rural regions," and "a reduction in the urban-rural gap and the creation of livable rural communities." This accords with the public opinion survey results, implying that the government policy direction should put top priority on constructing a stable supply system of safe food.
As tasks by field for achieving the vision of agriculture, rural areas, and the food industry, training leading agricultural players and human resources, establishing a management system of safe agricultural and livestock products, and creating rural jobs were given priority in terms of both importance and urgency. Therefore, the government should also place top priority on nurturing enterprises that will lead future agriculture, building the safety control system, and creating jobs in rural regions.
For regional development strategies, Chungcheongnam-do should set up a food-centered plan to construct a regional circulation system of agri-food, and should strengthen an independent committee's governance function to link existing policies and projects, agents, sectors and fields. For the function of governance, capacity building is important and educational activities for it need to be reinforced. For Jeollanam-do's agricultural development, it will be effective to pursue a strategy for safe, economic, and eco-friendly agro-food by promoting environment-friendly farming. To strengthen environmentally friendly agriculture, it is necessary to reinforce education for enhancing farmers' will to practice and sense of responsibility, nurture talents, and improve a system for developing and disseminating organic farming technologies.
The farms in Gyeongsangnam-do are actively cultivating new items such as subtropical fruit and vegetables. This province needs to pursue its development by building a regional innovation system. Regional innovation can result from research dissemination in the field through close cooperation between local agricultural policy and universities and research institutes with expertise and human resources.
Researchers: Lee Yongsun, Park Mi-seong, Han Sukho, Moon Hanpil,
Park Hanul, Park jiwon, Park Seongjin, Jung Dochae,
Chung Daehee
Research period: 2015. 7. ~ 2016. 2.
E-mail address: yslee@krei.re.kr

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