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말산업 육성 현황과 발전 방안

제1장 서론
제2장 말산업 현황과 말산업 육성 정책 현황
제3장 말 사육농가와 승마시설 경영실태 분석
제4장 소비자의 승마수요 조사 분석
제5장 말산업과 말산업 육성 정책의 과제
제6장 국내외 승마산업 활성화 사례와 시사점
제7장 말산업 발전을 위한 정책 방안
제8장 요약 및 결론
최근 소득이 증가하고 건강에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 승마가 새로운 인기 스포츠로 떠오르고 있다. 승마에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있지만, 국내의 승용마와 승마시설은 크게 부족한 실정이다. 그 동안 말산업이 경마 중심으로 발전하면서 국내 승마산업은 성장하지 못했기 때문이다.
정부는 농어촌형 승마시설 지원 사업 등 승마산업을 중심으로 하는 말산업을 농가소득 증대를 위한 산업으로 만들기 위해 말산업 육성 정책을 강력하게 추진하고 있다. 하지만 현장에서는 각종 규제와 높은 비용 등 여러 가지 문제들로 인하여 승마활성화에 제약을 받고 있다. 또한 말 하면 경마가 먼저 떠오르고, 승마하면 고급스포츠 또는 위험한 스포츠라는 부정적인 인식도 승마산업 발전의 걸림돌로 작용하고 있다.
이 연구는 말산업을 농업·농촌의 새로운 성장 동력으로 육성하기 위해, 현재 말산업과 말산업 육성 정책이 안고 있는 문제점을 진단하여, 말산업의 발전 방향과 승마활성화를 위한 세부 방안을 제시하기 위해 수행되었다.
Background of Research
The Korean government has nurtured the horse industry to develop it into a new income source of rural areas in response to a decrease in agricultural income due to the continued progress of FTAs. Nevertheless, despite the government's active policies to foster the sector, many problems in the field, including insufficient policy support, a limit to expanding demand for riding, and various regulations, have limited the growth of the horse industry. Therefore, this study identifies the problems of the current horse industry and policies for promoting the sector, and presents the direction for its development and detailed plans to develop the industry into a new growth engine of agriculture and rural regions.
Method of Research
For this study, we first reviewed the literature and laws on the horse sector. A survey was conducted on 29 horse farms and 52 horse riding facilities to examine the present state and problems of the industry. We also surveyed 355 consumers of 14 equestrian centers across the country to analyze consumers' demand for riding, and performed conjoint analysis. We commissioned an external expert to write a section on some contents. In addition, we participated in many external seminars on horses, and held several research council meetings attended by domestic specialists, related policymakers, horse breeding farms, and equestrian centers.
Research Results & Implication
The current horse industry has the following problems: 1) the safety issue and distrust of the circulation market owing to the use of racehorses as riding horses; 2) lack of saddle horses; 3) insufficient indoor horse riding facilities and outdoor equestrian trails; and 4) shortages of horse breeding and horse riding training experts. The issues in the policies for nurturing the horse industry are as follows: 1) approval for horse riding facilities and farmland conversion; 2) an inadequate supply system of saddle horses; 3) an oversupply of Halla horses; and 4) the problem of equestrian centers' electric charges.
To solve these problems of the horse sector, this research set the direction for its development like the following eight items: development of the horse industry into a high value-added industry; balanced growth of supply and demand; separate development of horse racing and riding; vitalization of children's horse riding; deregulation for the growth of the equestrian industry; selection and concentration focusing on actual demand; popularization and sixth industrialization of horse riding; and establishment of a cooperation system with relevant ministries for promoting riding.
As for detailed measures to nurture the horse industry, in the institutional aspect, we suggested increasing regions that can construct equestrian centers and rural horse riding facilities, applying electric charges for agricultural use to equestrian centers, and expanding support for places with high demand. For the establishment of the supply system of saddle horses, we proposed importing excellent riding horses, using Halla horses for riding, supporting management consulting for horse farms and equestrian centers, increasing horse training centers, and adopting traceability and auction systems of riding horses. To vitalize children's riding for a rise in demand for horse riding, it is necessary to set up a department in charge of the promotion of children's riding, establish a council for nurturing the equestrian industry, found a youth club for horse riding in each region, promote local equestrian competitions, include riding in the regular school curriculum of physical education, introduce certification systems for horse riding facilities and equestrian abilities. Additionally, it is needed to foster experts in horse breeding and equestrian education and to improve the insurance system. Last, we presented a mid- and long-term road map for the ways to promote the horse industry, considering the urgency and priority of these detailed policy measures.
Researchers: Ji Inbae, Kim Hyunjoong, Seo Gangcheol
Research Period: 2015. 1.~2015. 8.
E-mail address: jiinbae@krei.re.kr

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