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미국 미주리 주의 와인산업을 통한 농촌경제 활성화 정책과 시사점

2015.11.02 40808
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 미주리 와인산업의 위치와 현황
제3장 미주리 와인산업의 특징
제4장 미주리 와인산업의 경제적 파급효과
제5장 미주리 와인산업 관련 정책과 지원체계
제6장 요약 및 시사점


농촌 인구의 감소, 고령화, 도농 소득격차 심화 등 농촌의 부정적 상황이 지속되고 있다. 이를 타개하기 위해서는 농촌산업의 활성화가 필요하다. 농촌지역 인구 감소 속도는 둔화되고 있지만 고령화는 지속되고 있다. 이와 더불어 도농 간 소득격차는 확대되다가 둔화되고 있지만 소득증가 속도의 차이가 크다. 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 인구과소화를 방지하고, 농업의 고부가가치화, 농가소득 증대, 농촌경제 활성화가 필요한 시점이다.

우리의 상황과 마찬가지로 미국도 농촌인구의 감소 등으로 농촌경제 위축이 지속되고 있다. 그런데 이런 와중에도, 크게 위축되었던 미주리의 와인산업이 요즘 다시 지속적인 성장을 하고 있다. 이는 농업자원을 활용한 산업을 통해 농촌경제 활성화를 도모하고자 하는 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다고 할 수 있다.

외국의 사례들을 통해 교훈을 얻는 것도 매우 유용한 방법이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이 연구는 미국 미주리가 와해되어가던 와인산업을 육성함으로써 농촌경제를 어떻게 활성화하였는지, 이를 위해 어떤 지원과 정책들을 활용하였는지를 살펴본다.

Background of Research
This study examined how the state of Missouri (US) vitalized the rural economy by fostering the wine industry which was collapsing and what support and policies were utilized. Through this, implications were drawn for Korean policies of invigorating the regional economy by using agricultural and rural resources.

Method of Research
The literature was collected on the projects regarding the vitalization of the US wine industry, statistics on institutions related to the invigoration of the industry, and Missouri's related policy and statistics. The visits to the case area enabled me to examine how the state's wine industry policy is utilized and how its support system is operated. I also investigated the current status of Missouri's wine sector by interviewing wine experts and people concerning the industry in the state.

Research Results and Implications
Missouri's wine production is 1.25 million gallons (about 4.73 million liters) as of 2013, ranking 14th in the US. This figure is only 0.17% of approximately 728 million gallons (2,759 million liters) of California, the first-ranking state. The number of Missouri's wineries is estimated to be 128. The growth of the state's wine industry, small-scale even in the US, offers implications for Korea whose wine sector is small.
The key of Missouri's state government's support policies to nurture its wine industry is the wine tax. Also, the Wine and Grape Production Tax Credit Program of the state's Department of Economic Development is directly related with the wine sector. Currently, 12 cents per gallon of the wine tax is imposed on every wine sold. The funds created by the tax support the Missouri Wine and Grape Program. This support fund goes to the Missouri Wine and Grape Board (MWGB), and is used for research, variety development, and promotion of grapes, wine, and juice.
Missouri's wine industry support system first secures funds through the wine tax. The MWGB controls the state's wine sector as an agent operating the funds. The Board supports the Grape and Wine Institute (GWI) at the University of Missouri through the funds created by the wine tax, thereby backing research on grape variety development, quality improvement, and wine. In addition, activities for promoting Missouri wine are also supported.
The Viticulture Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA) is mainly in charge of education of grape growing and wine production at Missouri State University with GWI. As for the private sector's voluntary activities, the Missouri Grape Growers Association (MGGA) and the Missouri Vintners Association are exchanging information at meetings every year.
Therefore, the support system for developing the state's wine industry is an organic combination of securing funds through the wine tax; strengthening research and promotion through the funds; implementing educational programs with the University of Missouri; and improving communication through private organizations.
Missouri's wine sector gives us the following implications: the securing of stable funds; a reliable research institute; stable and field-centered education and credible educational agents; networking; the maintenance of management and history through family-run businesses; and each related agent's faithfulness to the basics.

Researcher: Kim Yonglyoul
Research period: 2014. 12. ~ 2015. 7.
E-mail address: kimyl@krei.re.kr

김용렬Kim, Yonglyoul
소속: 농업관측센터
저자의 다른 보고서
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김용렬Kim, Yonglyoul
소속: 농업관측센터
저자에게 문의

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