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지역특화 농산업 추진실태 평가와 발전방안

2014.12.30 46856
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    박문호, 김용렬; 김영준
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 지역특화농산업의 이론과 정책추진현황
제3장 지자체의 지역특화농산업 추진실태 평가
제4장 농업인의 지역특화농산업 참여실태 평가
제5장 지역특화농산업의 발전방안


지역특화 육성전략은 지역자원의 특성과 강점을 활용하여 특정 산업 부문에 선택과 집중을 통하여 지역발전을 우선 도모하고, 이를 연관산업 분야로 확산시켜 나가는 전략이라 할 수 있다. 농산업부문에 있어, 특화육성전략은 2000년대 이후 다양한 시책들이 개발되어 추진되어 왔다.

최근, 지역의 특화 농산업의 융·복합화를 통한 6차산업화 추진과 연계하여 지역고유의 특화 농산업 개발이 활발하게 이루어지고 있으며, 성공사례도 나타나고 있다. 그러나 일부 지방자치단체에서는 정책개발 능력이 미흡하고 사업의 추진과정에서 체계적인 계획수립 및 사업관리가 이루어지지 못하여 사업추진 부실사례가 발생하고 있어 재정운용의 비효율성을 초래함은 물론, 지자체간의 농산업 발전의 격차가 나타나고 있다.

이 연구는 지역특화 농산업 추진실태와 문제점 및 우수사례의 벤치마킹을 통하여 바람직한 지역특화농산업의 육성을 위한 지원 수단 및 기능의 강화방안을 모색하고자 한다. 지방자치단체 지역특화 농산업 육성과 관련한 지방자치단체의 추진체계, 구조분석, 성과분석, 사업수요자 평가를 토대로 과제를 도출하고, 국내·외 사례 및 전문가의 의견수렴을 통하여 발전방안을 모색하고자 하였다.

Various policies for regionally specialized agri-business have been conducted for social vitality in agricultural areas and value added enhancement. However, a local govenment’s unsatisfactory capability to develop policy, unsystematic establishment of a plan, and project management brought out some problems such as ineffectiveness of the financial management and development gap of agri-business between local governments. In this situation, some measures regarding planning, strategies, business operation, post-management are required for efficient implementation of the regionally specialized agri-business.

This study seeks measures to strengthen support methods for promotion of regionally specialized agri-business throughout analyzing actual conditions of regionally specialized agri-business, and benchmarking of best practices. Based on implementation system, structure analysis, performance analysis, and demand evaluation related to promotion of regionally specialized agri-business, this study draws the policy issues regarding regionally specialized agri-business. In addition, this study finds strategies for the development by collecting case studies and extensive opinions from specialists.

Results and Implications
Current policies for promotion of regionally specialized agri-business have some problems. First, because of a perfunctory establishment of a plan to invite projects, a plan with a long-term vision of industry cannot be set up. Second, they lack strong leadership of local governments and the will to act. Third, they also lack efficient governance which unifies production, processing and marketing. Fourth, agri-business is similar from region to region and they cannot amplify the synergy by sharing responsibility between regions. Fifth, they lack difference regarding business contents, implementation plans, and support contents between regions.
It is shown that effects of regionally specialized agri-business on contribution level of community revitalization is high and to strengthen local organization of agricultural sector’s capabilities are the most important task. Additionally, R&D in the processing, and combination field is relatively vitalized, rather than the production, and marketing field.
Regional case studies show that their projects are inclined to depend on local government’s capability, because they are led by the government. Project specialty has been weakened due to the absence of cooperation with an agricultural technology center. The degree of R&D and technology distribution is very low in the region where processing business is mainly implemented. Moreover, some regions with high concentration in production-marketing focus on R&D in business cooperation with Provincial Agricultural Research & Extension Services.
Policy directions for development of regionally specialized agri-business are shown below. First, they should be established in terms of balanced regional development. Regionally specialized agri-business can take many different forms depending on the characteristics of regional resources and the degree of development. Therefore, it is required to establish improvement plans of regionally specialized agri-business in the long run. Second, it should reflect regional characteristics and stage of development. Regional disparity between region has become widened in the process of promotion of regionally specialized agri-business since 2000. It should consider agricultural conditions and stage of development. Third, The integrated support system is needed. Integrated support system, rather than direct support to individual manager, is required to promote scale-up, concentration, and specialization of regionally specialized agri-business. Fourth, it is necessary to activate private organizations. It requires some measures regarding R&D which could strengthen related operator’s competitiveness, finance, marketing, consulting that may invigorate the function of related private organizations.

Researchers: Park Moon-ho, Kim Yong-lyoul, Kim Young-june
Research period: 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 10.
E-mail address: mhpark@krei.re.kr, kimyl@krei.re.kr, keepahead@krei.re.kr

박문호Park, Moonho
소속: 연우회
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박문호Park, Moonho
소속: 연우회
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