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대북 비료지원사업 평가와 비료분야 대북협력 효율화 방안

2014.12.30 76020
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김영훈, 임수경
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
제2장 북한농업 실태와 비료공급 현황
제3장 화학비료의 대북 지원
제4장 북한의 유기농업과 유기질비료
제5장 대북 비료지원의 필요성과 정책과제
제6장 요약 및 결론


최근 고위급회담을 둘러싸고 남북관계는 다소 주춤거리는 모습을 보이고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리 사회는 우려보다는 기대를 더 품고 있는 듯하다. 그 기대는 양측이 그간 보여준 의지에서 비롯된 것이다. 우리 정부는 ‘한반도 신뢰프로세스’ 아래 화해·협력을 꾸준히 모색해 왔으며, 북한 역시 관계 개선을 희망하는 신호를 다양하게 보내온 것으로 알고 있다.

남북관계 개선을 위해서는 농업부문이 해야 할 일이 많다. 먼저 북한주민의 인도적 상황을 개선하는 데 농업협력이 긴요하다. 또 북한의 열악한 농업기반을 복구하고 농업발전의 기틀을 조성하는 데에도 남북 농업협력이 큰 역할을 할 수 있다. 농업협력 과정에서 남북한 양측은 공동의 이익도 추구할 수 있다.

이 연구는 남북관계 개선을 전제로 농업부문에서 추진 가능한 대북 지원과 협력사업 중 하나로서 비료분야의 협력을 대상으로 수행한 것이다. 비료는 북한농업에서 가장 부족하고 가장 필요하며, 북한이 지원을 가장 크게 희망하는 농자재이다.

이 연구는 과거 우리가 수행했던 대북 비료지원사업을 평가해 보고, 그 토대 위에서 새로운 협력방안을 모색하기 위해 수행되었다.

Background of Research
South and North Korea are highly likely to promote a cooperation project for food and agriculture if inter-Korean relations are improved, and thereby aid to the North is resumed. This is because alleviating the North’s food shortage is at the core of inter-Korean cooperation.
Cooperation with North Korea for agriculture must go sequentially. In the shortterm, humanitarian aid is important, and agricultural development cooperation is necessary for raising agricultural productivity of North Korea in the mediumterm. If fruits from such cooperation lead to North Korean reform and opening up, large-scale assistance to improve agricultural structure and production base would follow.

Method of Research
This research included extensive reviews on previous literature, South-North Agreement, and the documents related to aid to the North. Several experts in the associations related to fertilizer helped research of the part for which literature and documents are not available. For controversy over the method and the procedure of fertilizer aids between South and North Korea, interviews with professionals in the Korean Red Cross and NGOs, who have directly implemented the fertilizer aids, were summarized.

Research Results and Implications
Chemical fertilizer aids to the North over 1999-2007 played a strategical role in managing inter-Korean relations. They also showed that the fertilizer aid system of South Korea has operated efficiently. If fertilizer aid is resumed in the future, the positive effects should be maximized through humanitarian aids as well as through various channels such as agricultural development cooperation projects.
Higher transparency in distribution is important for the fertilizer aid. South Korea should have enough time to discuss monitoring fertilizer distribution with the North before aid. It has to require North Korea to submit more detailed documents on transfer and distribution. Moreover, a new agreement on the range and the way to monitor fertilizer distribution is necessary. As a progress of such discussion and agreement depends on real inter-Korean relations, at first South Korea must demand what North Korea can accept and expand monitoring under advanced inter-Korean relations later.
An organic fertilizer aid plan has to be established for reducing the impediments revealed from the fertilizer aid experiences. It begins with a standardization of organic fertilizer. It is also important to verify a stable effect of organic fertilizer. Then, South Korea needs to show North Korea the stable effect through the organic fertilizer aid included in some of agricultural development cooperation projects. Finally it can gradually increase the organic fertilizer aid.
Transport costs of organic fertilizer should be lowered. If the organic fertilizer aid programs are carried out in the areas bordering South Korea, South Korea can avoid a high cost problem.
Nonetheless the level of the increase in organic fertilizer aid is limited. Aside from aid, another cooperation to produce organic fertilizer in North Korea (i.e. livestock farming cooperation) should be considered. This is expected to have a large synergy effect.

Researchers: Kim Young-hoon, Lim Su-kyoung
Research Period: 2014. 1.~2014. 10.
E-mail address: kyhoon@krei.re.kr

김영훈Kim, Younghoon
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저자에게 문의
김영훈Kim, Younghoon
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