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가공식품 수출의 효율적 지원 방안

제1장 서 론
제2장 가공식품 수출지원사업 동향 및 문제점
제3장 가공식품 수출지원사업 성과분석
제4장 해외 가공식품 수출지원 사례
제5장 가공식품 수출의 효율적 지원방안
제6장 요약 및 결론
가공식품 시장규모가 중국, 아세안 등 신흥시장을 중심으로 빠르게 성장함에 따라 가공식품의 주요 수출국들은 수출확대를 위해 다양한 전략을 마련하여 지원하고 있다. 우리나라도 가공식품 수출유망시장과의 지리적 인접성, 유사한 식문화의 이점을 바탕으로 가공식품 수출확대를 위한 지원을 강화할 필요가 있다. 국내산 원료를 이용한 고부가가치 가공식품의 수출 증대는 국내 산업뿐만 아니라 농업부문의 생산과 부가가치 유발효과를 증대시킬 수 있기 때문이다.
가공식품 수출을 확대하기 위해서는 효율적인 수출지원사업 방안 수립이 필요하나, 아직 우리나라는 가공식품 부문에 차별화된 지원사업이 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 가공식품 부문에 초점을 맞추어 수출지원사업의 실태 및 문제점을 분석하고 효율적인 지원방안을 마련하기 위해 수행하였다.
가공식품 수출의 효율적 지원방안은 수출지원사업 추진 기본방향, 수출 지원사업 우선순위, 품목유형별 중점지원 사업, 정책추진 방향별 지원 강화사업, 유사사업 범주화 및 지원 강화, 수출인프라 강화사업, 국내산 원료사용 구조 강화 방안으로 구분하여 제시하였다.
Background of Study
The purpose of this study is to analyze the support programs and support performance of the export support program to deduce improvement plans for the efficient pursuance of export support projects focusing on the processed food sector. The more detailed purpose is to analyze the defects and achievements of processed food export support, support reinforcement projects by policy indices and item types, key support projects by processed food types, categorization and expansion of support projects, export infrastructure strengthening projects, and measures to strengthen systems to supply ingredients made in Korea.
Research Method
In order to analyze the feasibility of processed food export support, this study made industrial correlation analysis using the industry correlation table measured in 2010 and analyzed overseas cases. For the export support project prioritization analysis, survey results on 42 export experts in export companies, research institutes, and policy-makers were used to make pairwise comparison and absolute comparisons of AHP analyses for 29 projects in five main sectors. For export support project performance analysis, FGI, multiple-regression model (OLS), and propensity score matching (PSM) were used.
Research Results and Implications
The relative importance per export support project sector was in the order of 1) overseas market pioneering and overseas marketing sector and 2) export logistics, quarantine and customs processing. In the aspect of ‘export target’ achievement per export support policy evaluation index, the order of importance was 1) market pioneering/overseas marketing sector and 2) export finance and insurance sector support projects. In the aspect of ‘efficiency’, it was found that market pioneering/overseas marketing support projects were the most important. For detailed support projects, they were in the order of export commercialization, pesticide residue inspection cost support, overseas sales promotion event support, export overseas forward base construction project, and outstanding agrifood purchase support fund projects. When establishing processed food export support policies, when setting by order of projects with high importance per support project and detailed support project, it was found that efficiency could be raised.
Upon analyzing the entire processed food export support projects, the first group with the highest support performance was overseas sales promotion event support, international expos, and the second group was overseas market information infrastructure and K-FOOD FAIR. For types of processed food items, fresh processed food was in the order of overseas sales promotion event support and international expo participation support; traditional processed food was in the order of global K-FOOD FAIR, overseas sales promotion event support, international expo participation support, and overseas buyer brokering. By diversifying support policies per processed food types, it is necessary to strengthen support projects focusing on those with high support performance per type.
Projects that must be strengthened per export support project evaluation item are the excellent agricultural food purchase support fund, overseas sales promotion event support to enhance the export enhancement effect. In order to strengthen the export base and increase the additional value of processed foods, export commercialization and safety management support projects must be strengthened. In order to strengthen the link with rural income, it is necessary to promote the excellent agrifood purchasing support fund and to foster a processed food-type ingredient supply complex and export leading organization.
Projects that need to be comprehensively operated due to similarity in project support purposes should be categorized in a bigger picture and improvements should be made to efficiently achieve the original purpose of the support project. Export commercialization support is especially important for strengthening export capacities and raising additional values, and it is a project with a high export company demand. Therefore, the scope of support and budget must be expanded for the export commercialization support so that it can be equipped with a single support system from technological development to entry into export markets. Projects that can strengthen the connection with the export commercialization support project are individual brand support, export consulting, passing samples through customs and transportation cost support, and overseas aT branching. Overseas marketing projects should support mainly international expos, overseas sales promotion events, and global K-FOOD, but the link among these projects should be strengthened for a bigger synergy effect. Overseas buyer brokerage and overseas antenna shop operation projects must strengthen the connection with international expos and overseas sales promotion event support projects.
The export infrastructure strengthening support project is a project that can indirectly strengthen support in response to discontinuing export subsidies according to international agreements in the long run. For example, if support for commercialization projects must be strengthened, operation of pilot plants and use of joint experiment facilities for technology development and commercialization, offering consulting and support services for small and medium sized food companies for farmers with innovative ideas, development of basic food processing related to new product development, brand and food packaging technology development support, providing information to pioneer export markets and domestic and international sales channels, authentication and quarantine, and providing information related to customs can be supported.
Researchers: Kim Kyung-phil, Heo Seong-yoon
Research period: 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 10.
E-mail address: kkphil@krei.re.kr

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