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임가소득 증대와 임산업 성장 모델 개발

제1장 서 론
제2장 우리나라 임업·임산업 경제 동향
제3장 임업·임산업 성장요인 분석
제4장 임업·임산업의 경영효율성 분석
제5장 임업진흥 컨설팅과 임산물 인증의 효과 분석
제6장 임가소득 증진과 임산업 성장을 위한 임업진흥원의 과제
우리나라 임업은 지형적 불리함과 부족한 인프라 등으로 다른 부문과 비교하여 경쟁력이 낮은 것으로 인식되고 있다. 산림작물의 수는 많지만 임산물의 생산액은 많지 않으며 임업에 종사하는 임가의 소득도 농가 또는 어가와 비교하면 상대적으로 낮은 수준에 있다. 또, 그동안 산림정책이 보호에 치중하였기 때문에 임업의 산업화도 더딘 편이다. 그럼에도 청정 자연에서 생산되는 임산물에 대한 소비자 수요가 증가하고 있으며 산을 찾는 도시민의 수도 증가하고 있다. 정부에서도 임산물 생산기반에 꾸준히 투자하여 왔기 때문에 인프라도 갖추어졌다. 이러한 분위기를 반영하여 임업생산을 가공, 체험·관광과 연계하여 6차산업화 한다면 임업은 농림업의 새로운 성장 동력이 될 수 있다. 자연에서 생산활동을 영위한다는 매력 때문에 귀촌 희망자들이 임산물 생산에 높은 관심을 보이고 있는 것도 고무적이다. 또, 국내 산림자원이 점차 성숙림에 접어들고 있기 때문에 이를 산업화와 연계하는 것은 매우 중요한 과제가 되었다.
이러한 변화에 대응하여 산림소득 증대와 임업의 산업화 촉진을 목표로 2012년 한국임업진흥원이 설립되었다. 한국임업진흥원은 산림의 새로운 미래가치를 창조하는 임업서비스 전문기관을 지향하면서 착실히 성장하여 왔지만, 출범한지 3년에 접어들고 있기 때문에 기관의 비전과 목표 달성을 위해 로드맵을 세우고 세부 전략과제를 수립해야 하는 시점이 되었다.
이 연구는 한국임업진흥원의 효과적인 역할 수행을 위한 중장기 전략과제와 세부 목표를 수립하는 데 도움을 주고자 수행되었다. 특히 임업진흥 컨설팅과 임산물 인증이 임가소득 증진에 기여하는 효과를 분석하고, 임업·임산업의 성장요인 분석과 장래 전망에 기초하여 임업·임산업의 규모 증진 목표를 제시하고자 하였다. 이와 함께 목표 달성을 위한 세부 전략과제를 제시하였다.
Forest area of South Korea occupies 65 percent of the land area. Forestry, which facilitates the forest, plays significant roles: efficient appropriation of the land, conservation of ecosystem, and equally balanced developments. Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (Kofpi) was founded in 2012, emphasizing its roles of raising the households incomes from the forest and catalyzing the industrialization of the forestry in South Korea. Departing from this point, this research is aiming to provide information that can help Kofpi devise long-term management goals and action plans.
Purposes of the foundation of Kofpi are to raise the incomes of households from the forest and to catalyze the industrialization of the forestry, on which this research mainly is focusing.
First, plans that could raise the households incomes from the forest were provided based on consultations and certifications. Date Envelopment Analysis was applied to analyze how consultations would improve the effectiveness of cultivating techniques regarding forest products. And survey was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of consulting activity in forestry. Then, Contingent Valuation Method was used to estimate the expected increase of the value of forest products when certificated by Kofpi.
Second, plans for Kofpi to expand industries related to forest were proposed based on promoting activities for the industralization of the forestry. Quantitative analysis was applied to estimate baseline that shows the growth of industries related to forest without interventions of Kofpi.
According to the results, some cases showed that there were negative incomes of forestry households or even decreased income. It was expected that the average of the incomes of forestry households would increase, provided that adequate technical instructions or management improvement was appropriately implemented by Kofpi. Moreover, in forestry, the results indicated that there were not only technical gap between producers but also inefficiency within the producers. In other words, supplying advanced cultivating techniques seemed to be urgent. Aggressive consultations to 3 percent of forestry households every year would help achieve the goal of raising households incomes from forests. Certificating forest goods brought about the increase of the incomes of forestry households as well. Although the certification reduced the portion of incomes that came from forests, it enlarged the absolute amount of the incomes. Thus, it is suggested that Kofpi should improve consultations mainly targeting at forestry households, especially including field consultations and educating programs.
Raising net gross growing stock was one of the most significant factors in achieving the goal of expanding forest-related industry production. Net gross growing stock could be raised by the mean of increasing the timber price. One way to increase the timber price was to use domestic timber as high quality of timber rather than low quality of one. Moreover, short-term forest goods would result in more consumption and production only when high quality of forest goods were produced. It is important for Kofpi to propagate GAP certification to short-term forest goods. In addition to the growth of forestry, the growth of timber manufacturing played an central role in tackling climate change. If Kofpi advertised the prominence and the eco-friendship of timber and made use of carbon-foot-prints, the level of consumption on domestic timber would be elevated. Also, improving facilities and lessening the gaps between manufacturers would lead to make manufacturing techniques more advanced. On the other hand, Kofpi had small influences on pulp and paper manufacturing. But, because paper products are one of consuming goods, it is important to integrate consumption trend on the paper products and secure the plenty amount of raw materials that Kofpi certificated as eco-friend products.
Researchers: Cheol-Su Chang, Kyung-Taek Min, Ja-Choon Koo, Jae-Ho Jeong, Jun-Yeong Choi, Myeong-Eun Kim, Yo-Han Lee
Research period: 2014. 6. - 2014. 10.
E-mail address: minkt@krei.re.kr

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