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조경산업 선진화를 위한 조경수 생산·유통시스템 개발 및 유통센터 구축 방안

제1장 서론
제2장 국내 조경수 생산 및 유통 현황
제3장 국외 조경수 유통 현황
제4장 조경수 유통센터 최적 설립지 선정
제5장 권역별 조경수 유통센터 설립 계획
제6장 결 론
국민경제의 발전으로 소득수준이 향상되면서 주거환경을 비롯한 도시 및 산림환경‧생태 등에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있으며, 고령화와 조기 퇴직의 영향으로 조경수 재배업에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 그러나 조경수 생산 및 유통에 관련된 정보 부족, 판로개척의 어려움 등으로 다수의 재배임가가 실패를 경험하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 해외 조경산업 선진국들을 벤치마킹한 권역별 조경수 유통센터 설립을 통해 유통문제의 해결책을 도모할 필요가 있다.
이 연구는 다른 임산물에 비해 유통체계가 취약하고 유통시설이 갖춰지지 않은 조경산업의 활성화를 위해 경매시스템 도입 등 기존의 유통센터와는 차별화된 조경수 유통센터를 건설하여 보다 효율적인 조경수 유통체계의 확립을 목적으로 두고 있다. 지역별 조경수 생산 및 소비에 대한 분석을 통해 최적 설립지를 선정하였고, 선정된 권역별 유통센터의 적정규모와 운영 방안을 제시하였다.
Background of Research
Landscape trees are an important source of income in that their production value accounts for 21.2% of the total production value of forest products (3 trillion 199.7 billion won). However, forest farms specializing in landscape trees are uncommon, and most forest farms producing them are small. Moreover, due to the unclear and complex marketing system, the forest farms’ markets are uncertain, and buyers purchase necessary landscape trees visiting production areas, or wholesalers in the areas distribute trees.
Therefore, to improve Korea’s poor landscape tree production, overall productivity in distribution, and marketing efficiency, it is needed to benchmark and introduce advanced landscape tree production technology and marketing systems. For this, it is necessary to analyze the production and marketing systems of countries advanced in landscaping including Japan, France, the US, and Europe, and establish advanced landscape tree distribution centers optimized for the domestic landscaping industry.
Method of Research
We analyzed the literature on the present condition of domestic landscape tree production, marketing, and consumption, and the current situation of landscape tree marketing and consumption in foreign countries advanced in the landscaping industry. Through the literature review and visiting research, we drew the implications by production and marketing channel of advanced countries’ landscaping industry, and drew up measures optimized for Korea’s landscape tree industry. Through space analysis of resources, specialization coefficients, and rank and size, we selected the best places to build domestic landscape tree distribution centers; classified the places by area; drew up measures to select each area’s distribution center’s basic direction, size, facilities, and operating body; and presented the ways to construct the centers’ facilities and system.
Research Results and Implications
According to landscape tree production by region, the capital area, Suncheon, Jeongeup and Gochang were selected as the best places for landscape tree distribution centers through space analysis of resources, specialization coefficients, and rank and size. We calculated the total size of facilities by estimating the size of landscape trees that each selected region handles, and planned facilities in the distribution centers by benchmarking the percentage of facilities in the landscape tree distribution centers abroad. Last, considering each region’s present situation of distributing landscape trees, we compared the features of distribution centers’ operating bodies.
We drew Korea’s problems and opportunities by comparing and analyzing systems that produce trees in containers at home and abroad, and suggested measures to improve the tree production system using containers. We also developed container production technology and forms of cultivation by tree size for species of trees in the central and subtropical regions.
Researchers: Seok Hyun-deok, Chang Cheol-su, Ahn Sun-jin, Bak Ji-eun
Research period: 2013. 4. ~ 2014. 4.
E-mail address: hdseok@krei.re.kr

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