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글로벌 식량안보 강화를 위한 미국의 전략 및 시사점

2014.02.28 29727
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 글로벌 식량안보 현황
제3장 미국의 글로벌 식량안보 강화 전략
제4장 한국의 글로벌 식량안보 강화를 위한 지원 방안
제5장 시사점


최근 우리나라는 국제사회의 요구에 부응하기 위해 UN을 비롯한 국제기구의 분담금을 증가시키면서 글로벌 식량안보 강화를 위한 노력에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 하지만 우리나라의 글로벌 전략은 아직까지 문서화되어있지 못하며 이를 위한 연구 또한 미미한 실정이다.

글로벌 식량안보 강화를 위한 우리나라의 노력과 국제사회에서의 위상을 고려할 때 국제적으로 논의되고 있는 동향과 미국의 전략을 파악하는 것은 기초적인 정보를 수집하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 국제사회에서 미국이 주도가 되어 논의되고 있는 식량안보 강화를 위한 동향과 실질적으로 지원되고 있는 현황, 그리고 미국이 이를 위해 추진하고 있는 전략 등에 초점을 두고 있다. 더불어 파악된 동향 및 전략을 토대로 우리의 현실을 파악하고 향후 나아가야 하는 방향을 제시하고자 하였다.

The purpose of the study was to provide general information on U.S. strategies to enhance global food security and to derive implications for the Korean government to establish more effective strategies in the future.

The combination of food and economic crises has pushed the number of food-insecure or hungry people worldwide to historic levels: approximately 1 billion people are undernourished. As a result, President Obama signaled that alleviating global hunger would be a top priority of his administration. The Department of State has taken the lead in developing a U.S. global food security strategy that focused on agricultural and rural development, based on five principles: support for comprehensive strategies; investment through country-owned plans; stronger coordination among donors; leveraging effective multilateral institutions; and sustained commitments.

Forming "Feed the Future", agricultural development has been a component of the United States' foreign aid programs, but U.S. funding for such assistance has declined from about 20% of U.S. ODA in 1980 to around 5% in recent years. The involvement of several U.S. government agencies including USAID and USDA, in providing agricultural development aid has focused on global food security having other multilateral and bilateral donors. Also, the U.S. has called for a substantial increase in agricultural development assistance, and the international community also has pledged substantial support for a global food security initiative.

In the case of Korea, most of the aid for global food security has been made through multilateral organizations. However, in recent years, Korea formed a program called “KAPEX” to support an analysis of partner countries' entire agriculture, and derive a leverage area to be aimed. It is much more effective than a one-sided way to support the partner countries' agricultural development. However, the program would not be sustainable since there is no way to support after the one-year program ends due to its budget structure. Therefore, it is necessary to expand its duration with additional financial support for the existing programs.

Researcher: Lee, Dae Seob
Research period: 2013. 6. ~ 2014. 2.
E-mail address: ldaeseob@krei.re.kr

이대섭Lee, Daeseob
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이대섭Lee, Daeseob
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