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청송군 아버지교육 욕구 조사연구

2014.02.28 33340
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    조미형, 정규형
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 아버지교육 프로그램 현황
제3장 청송군 인구 및 교육 현황
제4장 자녀양육 실태 및 아버지교육 욕구 분석
제5장 청송군 아버지교육의 방향


청송군은 지속적인 인구감소에 대응하기 위한 방안으로 교육환경 개선에 관심을 갖고 있다. 부부 중심의 핵가족으로 변화되면서 자녀양육 및 교육에 대한 부모의 책임이 커지고 있다. 이에 가정 내 아버지의 역할은 중요하게 인식되면서, 다양한 아버지교육이 전국적으로 실시되고 있다. 가부장적인 환경에서 자라난 아버지들이 자녀양육에 참여하면서 아버지 역할이 무엇이며, 자녀들과 어떻게 놀고, 의사소통해야 하는지 등에 대해 고민하기 시작한 것이다. 하지만, 청송군에는 아버지교육을 수행하는 기관이 없는 상황으로, 아버지들이 자녀를 양육하면서 필요로 하는 정보를 제공받고 고충 상담을 할 수 있는 여건을 마련할 필요가 있다.

본 연구는 우리나라 아버지교육 프로그램 현황을 파악하고, 청송군의 미취학 및 초등학생 자녀를 둔 아버지를 대상으로 자녀양육실태와 아버지교육 욕구를 분석하여, 청송군 아버지교육의 방향을 제시할 목적으로 추진되었다.

Research Background
Cheongsong County is making efforts to improve the poor educational environment in order to decrease residents moving out. As part of the efforts, Cheongsong County noted that a father’s role in a family is becoming more important, as parents’ responsibility for child rearing and education increases, and recognized that studying education for fathers beforehand is needed. Education for fathers will help to strengthen father-child interaction, increase fathers’ confidence, and improve family relationships. Cheongsong County, however, do not have an organization for education for fathers, and thus do not provide information necessary for child rearing. This study aims to examine the current status of education programs for fathers in Korea, analyze the needs for education for fathers and the child rearing situation of fathers who have preschool or elementary school children in Cheongsong County, and present the directions of education for fathers in Cheongsong County.

Research Methods
This study examined fathers’ child rearing reality and their needs for education for them through a literature review, a survey, and a meeting, and drew the directions of education for fathers in Cheongsong County. To know the current state of education for fathers, the following were examined: the manual and guidebook for education for fathers and the project guide of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. To know Cheongsong County’s general state, Cheongsong County’s statistical yearbooks and the Gyeongsangbukdo Office of Education’s statistics were used. To examine Cheongsong County’s child rearing reality and needs for education for fathers, a survey was conducted. 535 households with kindergarteners or elementary school children and 295 fathers were surveyed.

Research Results and Implications
According to the research results, there were differences in Cheongsong County fathers’ child rearing time, their difficulties in child rearing, experiences of parents participation events, and needs for education for fathers, depending on the father’s job, his highest level of education, age, children’s mother’s employment status, and the number of children. Reflecting these needs, Cheongsong County needs to operate education programs for fathers by stages. First, education is needed to improve fathers’ child rearing attitudes or their awareness of the father’s role. Second, training is needed to provide necessary information according to children’s age, discipline methods, and skills for communicating with children. Third, it is necessary to provide education for parents including mothers and training for couples so as to improve family relationships. Furthermore, Cheongsong County should make efforts to provide a safe environment for child rearing, and to support child rearing not at the individual family level but at the community level. Also, programs are needed for children who need additional care in multicultural families, single parent families, and grandparent-headed families, and children with disabilities.
To operate education programs for fathers as Cheongsong County’s specialized project, Cheongsong County should develop training programs considering fathers’ situations and necessary information, and find ways to manage programs systematically and continuously by various methods such as linking with public libraries’ lifelong education programs or outreach education.

Researchers: Mihyoung Cho, Kyu-Hyoung Jeong
Research period: 2013. 11 ~ 2014. 2
E-mail address: mihyoung@krei.re.kr

조미형Cho, Mihyoung
소속: 연우회
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조미형Cho, Mihyoung
소속: 연우회
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