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소비지 전통시장의 농산물 유통체계 개선 방안

2013.12.30 48491
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    전창곤, 김동훈
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 전통시장 현황과 농산물 유통
제3장 전통시장 농산물 유통체계 조사 분석
제4장 전통시장에 대한 소비자 인식 분석
제5장 전통시장의 농산물 유통체계 개선 방안


소비지 전통시장은 1996년 유통시장의 완전 개방화 이후 다국적 유통기업의 국내 진출과 함께 국내 대형할인점과 기업형 슈퍼마켓(SSM)의 급속한 증가로 유통업태 간 경쟁이 격화되면서 경쟁력이 저하되고 있다.

한편 전통시장은 시장 수와 매출액의 지속적 감소 추세에도 불구하고 2012년 매출액은 약 21조 원에 육박하여 유통산업 전체 매출액에서 약 15% 내외의 비중을 차지하고 있다. 그리고 전통시장 전체 매출액 중 농축수산물 매출액은 약 7조 원으로 30% 내외를 차지하고 있으며, 점포 수 비중은 28.7%로 나타나고 있어 1차 상품이 전통시장의 가장 중요한 거래 상품이라고 할 수 있다.

이에 따라 지역상권의 활성화, 농산물 도소매 유통체계의 효율화, 물가 및 소비자 가계지출 안정, 영세 소매상인의 경영안정 등을 위해서는 전통시장의 농산물 유통실태와 문제점을 심층적으로 파악‧진단하여 유통체계 효율화의 정책적 대응방안이 시급히 마련되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

이 연구는 소비지 도‧소매단계의 농산물 유통구조 개선뿐만 아니라 산지와 소비지 간 유통경로 다원화, 농산물 소매업태의 다양화와 공정거래 질서 확립, 농산물의 소매단계 유통비용 절감을 통한 물가안정 등의 기반을 구축하기 위한 전통시장 농산물의 유통체계 개선 방안을 제시하고 있다.

The purpose of this study is to address improvement measures for the agricultural products distribution system of traditional markets and to establish the foundation for commodity price stability by diversifying distribution channels between producing sites and consumption sites, diversifying types of agricultural product retailers, establishing fair trade practices, and trimming down distribution costs of agricultural products in the retail level as well as improving the distribution structure for agricultural products in wholesale and retail stages.
The number of traditional markets in Korea was 1,511 in 2012. The majority of them take on the character of small scale stores close to or in urban community commercial areas. The numbers and revenues of traditional markets have been continuously decreased since 2004, and their yearly average decline ratios are 1.48% and 6.26% respectively. On the other hand, the numbers and revenues of big scale marts (discount stores) and super supermarkets (SSMs), which are believed to have intimate competition with traditional markets, have continuously increased over time.
The estimated trading ratio of fresh products in traditional markets is approximately 13~15% of the entire trading volume of the products in Korea. This ratio represents the second highest after that of food service companies, 34% signifying the importance of retail function of traditional markets in the agricultural products retail distribution structure. In addition, though there are differences depending upon items, the distribution margins for various distribution stages are 40~70% in general. Among the stages, the retail level distribution margin is 20~35%, much higher than that of the producing sites and the wholesale level. Considering the fact that raditional markets have a fairly high trading ratio of agricultural fresh products and is the final retail stage, the improvement of the distribution system of agricultural products in traditional markets and the reduction of distribution margins are very important issues to be solved for stabilizing the entire commodity price, reducing customers' payment burden as well as improving profitability for agricultural households.
The types of government support towards enhancement programs for traditional markets can be classified into 3 major programs: financial aid, tax reduction or/and exemption, and regulatory policy on large scale stores. The financial aid program is to support traditional markets through government expenditure, and the tax reduction or/and exemption program by various special tax reduction and exemption acts whereas the regulatory policy on large scale stores includes various programs to impose mandatory holidays on large scale marts or SSMs. The enhancement program for traditional markets is based upon the “Special Act for promoting Traditional Markets and Shopping Districts”. Article 5 of the Act stipulates that the government shall establish and execute “Fundamental plans for vitalizing markets and shopping districts” every 3 years to systematically promote traditional markets. Meanwhile, a new article was added for large scale stores, so it restricts work hours for large scale stores and designates mandatory holidays in accordance with the act which was amended in January 2013 and took effect from April 24, 2013.
As a result of research on the merchants in traditional market places to identify the distribution system for agricultural products in traditional markets, the majority of them handle domestic vegetables and fruits while the suppliers for those goods are nearby wholesale markets. It is identified that the revenues for traditional markets per store have been in decline, and the trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Also, the reasons for the decline in trading volume of agricultural products and customers in traditional markets are identified as nearby large scale stores and a backward environment of the markets. The type of sales in traditional market stores is mostly retail while prices are decided based on margins from their respective purchase prices or changes in freshness of products. From the perspective of merchants, it is identified that both distribution and commercial aspects are needed to secure more customers and to increase sales. The major issue in operating a store is low profitability due to nearby large scale stores while the identified solutions to this issue are to reduce distribution costs by group purchase, to expand the mandatory holidays for large scale marts, and to improve the market environment.
It is investigated that the merits and competitiveness of traditional markets as a result of analysis on customers, recognition are inexpensive prices considering the product quality whereas the markets have various problems with facilities, products, and system. Especially it is identified and importantly noted that improvement on the trading system as a measure for vitalizing agriculture product trade in traditional markets is primarily requested from both traditional market oriented consumers and large scale store oriented consumers.
The measures for improving the distribution system of agriculture products in traditional markets considering both competitiveness factors and competitiveness degradation factors are presented as follows; ① establishing a system with low cost and high efficiency between wholesale markets and traditional markets, ② establishing a direct trading system between the organization of producing sites and the organization of traditional markets, ③ associating traditional markets with major distribution centers in producing sites and consumption sites. The measures for improving the agriculture product trading system are presented as follows; ① establishing a new management system for traditional markets, and adoption a new trading technique, and improving of management capability, ② enhancimg trading transparency and product credibility of traditional markets, ③ satisfying the needs of the shopping environment for consumers. For the establishment of a merchants cooperative, stores handling the same kind of products are most likely to organize a cooperative. It is feasible to establish a federation of 2~4 cooperatives in traditional markets handling a relatively high ratio of agriculture products within a metropolitan area, or establish merchant cooperatives among merchants handling a similar kind of products within a single unit of market. Moreover, it is essential to change the perspective from the relationship of competition between traditional markets and large scale stores to a complementary relationship by enhancing the merits of traditional markets in order to improve the distribution system of agriculture products and to solidify their competencies. Rather than the restriction on large scale stores and the one-way support to traditional markets, it is necessary to provide regulatory policies to change the relationship to a win-win structure while various agencies of government need to share duties and play roles as mediators to promote the win-win relationship between traditional markets and large scale stores.

Researchers: Chang-Gon Jeon, Dong-Hoon Kim
E-mail address: cgjeon@krei.re.kr

전창곤Jeon, Changgon
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