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농업·농촌 에너지 수급 및 정책 진단

2013.12.30 36415
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    강창용, 문동현
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 국가 에너지 수급과 주요 정책
제3장 농업·농촌 에너지 수급과 정책
제4장 농민과 공무원의 인식과 사업평가
제5장 요약 및 결론


우리나라는 에너지 수입국으로 에너지 절감 및 대체 에너지 개발 등에 관한 많은 정책이 수립되어 시행되고 있다. 하지만 농업·농촌 분야의 에너지 정책은 많지 않다.

이 연구에서는 농업·농촌 에너지 정책이 어떠한 것이 있는가를 정리하였고, 에너지 정책에 대한 농민의 인지도, 기존 농업·농촌 에너지 정책에 대한 공무원들의 평가를 통해 에너지 정책을 진단해 보았다.

농업·농촌 부문의 에너지 정책은 “농어업 에너지 이용 효율화 사업”, 면세유 및 농사용 전기 공급정책, 에너지를 마을 단위로 자립하자는 “마을 단위의 저탄소 녹색마을” 사업 등이 있으며, 지구온난화에 대응해서 대기오염을 줄이려는 의도로 농업기계 배출가스 규제 정책 등이 있다.

결과, 이러한 농업관련 에너지 정책에 대한 농민들의 인지도는 높았으나 농민들은 에너지 절감보다 자기 소득에 더 관심이 많았다. 이것으로 보아 농민들도 에너지에 대한 절감 및 대체를 위한 자구노력이 필요하다. 공무원의 경우 정성적 평가지표로 에너지 정책에 대한 효과성, 효율성, 타당성, 객관성 등을 조사한 결과 효과성 및 효율성은 60% 미만이 많고, 정책의 타당성과 공정성은 60% 이상으로 나타났으나 아직 정책에 대한 평가는 그리 좋은 편이 아니었다. 이를 기초로 차기 연도에는 에너지 정책에 대한 평가 점수를 높일 수 있는 정책 방안이 제시되어야 한다.

Background of Research
The Korean government has managed the country's whole energy at national level, and is directly responsible for development and management of some energy resources. However, its energy policy for agriculture and rural communities is not sufficient. Energy policy on the level of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is extremely rare because a different ministry is responsible for the country's energy policy. Therefore, energy policy for agriculture, forestry and fisheries is required to be carried out, keeping pace with the country's whole energy policy.

Method of Research
This study examines existing materials, conducts surveys, and analyzes the results of the surveys. The existing materials are secondary sources published by the government, relevant agencies and organizations. Survey materials are surveys of farmers and public officials related to energy.

Research Results and Implications
The agriculture sector is required to take part in the country's energy management policy, since energy issues do not apply only to a single ministry. Nonetheless, the government has never published any objective data on which energy sources are being used in the agriculture sector and rural communities, and on where and how much they are being consumed. Such data may be considered unimportant because energy consumption in agriculture accounts for less than 3% of the country's total energy consumption. But energy-related issues will inevitably affect the agriculture sector and rural communities. Therefore, basic data needs to be collected and organized as a minimum of preparation.
Farmers do not have high awareness of energy policy for agriculture and rural communities. The reason is that they consider other issues relatively more urgent. Especially, the importance of energy is low among agricultural issues. In fact, "energy" has never been emphasized in the sector so far. Their low awareness of energy may be an inevitable result. But they need to raise the awareness of energy, since the importance of energy will sharply increase day by day. There is a gap between channels for them to acquire information and methods for the government to spread information. Thus, the channels and the methods are required to be adjusted or rectified.
In general, farmers have a low level of satisfaction with energy policy for agriculture and rural communities except for tax-free oil and agricultural electricity. Farmers who are aware of energy importance or participate in government-aided projects also do not make favorable assessments regarding the policy. Even some people hold critical opinions of a government-aided project to provide pellets and air source heat pumps.
Public officials do not make positive assessments regarding energy policy for agriculture and rural communities, either. They say that government-aided projects do not live up to expectations in terms of efficiency even though they maintain validity and objectivity to some extent. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake an overall review on the contents or methods of the projects.
In the future, tensions and conflicts over energy will become more acute. Many countries are keen on developing new and renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. The reason is that peak oil is coming soon. For the time being, it is difficult to commercialize unending, new and renewable energy that all human beings long for. This explains why Korea, highly dependent on foreign sources for almost all energy supplies, is required to further enhance its energy policy. The agriculture sector and rural communities are no exceptions. They should keep pace with the country's energy policy, develop and make use of their own unique energy sources. There is a rich repository of new and renewable green energy sources in the agriculture sector and rural communities. It is urgent to establish and organize a comprehensive energy management plan for agriculture and rural communities.

Researchers: Chang-Yong Kang, Dong-Hyun Moon
Research Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12
E-mail address: cykang@krei.re.kr

강창용Kang, Changyong
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강창용Kang, Changyong
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