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농어업인 삶의 질 향상계획 심층평가, 농어촌산업 고도화/농어촌 어메니티의 체계적 관리‧활용 : 농어업인 삶의 질 향상 위원회 전문지원기관 업무위탁

2013.12.30 38361
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    성주인, 정규형; 정문수; 김태연; 이관률; 허재욱
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론

제1부 농어촌산업 고도화 정책
제2장 농어촌산업 고도화 정책의 개요 및 평가틀
제3장 농어촌산업 고도화 정책의 추진 현황
제4장 농어촌산업 고도화 정책 평가
제5장 농어촌산업 고도화를 위한 정책 제안

제2부 농어촌 어메니티의 체계적 관리‧활용 정책
제6장 정책 개요 및 심층평가 방향
제7장 정책 추진 현황
제8장 정책 평가
제9장 정책 제안

제3부 종 합
제10장 평가 결과 종합


농어업인 삶의 질 향상계획 심층평가는, 기본계획에 제시된 목표와 가치, 방향에 맞게 정책이 적절히 수행되고 있는지 진단하려는 목적으로 이루어지고 있다. 매년 농어업인 삶의 질 향상 위원회에서 선정한 과제를 대상으로 2011년부터 한국농촌경제연구원에서 3년째 작업을 진행해오는 중이다.

2013년도에는 ‘농어촌산업 고도화’ 및 ‘농어촌 어메니티의 체계적 관리‧활용’의 두 가지 과제를 대상으로 심층평가 작업을 수행하였다. 첫 번째 평가 대상인 농어촌산업 고도화 과제는 농어촌의 경제활동 다각화의 일환으로 추진되며, 특히 새정부에서 역점 추진 중인 농업의 6차산업화와도 밀접히 관련되어 중요성이 큰 과제이다. 두 번째 대상인 농어촌 어메니티 관리·활용 분야는 장래 지속 가능한 농어촌 발전을 이루는 데 핵심이 되며, 앞으로 농어업인 삶의 질 향상계획에서 그 비중이 더욱 높아지리라 예상되는 과제이다.

올해 심층평가 작업은 시기적으로도 의미가 크다. 2014년에는 제2차 기본계획이 마무리되고 제3차 삶의 질 향상 기본계획을 새로 수립하게 된다. 따라서 이번 보고서에 담긴 심층평가 결과는 단순한 성과 평가에 머물지 않고 제3차 기본계획에 반영할 개선 사항들을 도출하는 작업으로서도 의미를 갖는다.

Background and purpose of the research
In accordance with the improvement plan for quality of life in rural area, the quality of life improvement committee adopted the evaluation method on selected district as a unit and has conducted in-depth evaluation on major political tasks since 2011. This study is to comprehensively identify the political achievement and process of the following 2 tasks that are the subject for evaluation in 2013, and to propose political improvement measures; ① acceleration of rural industry ② systematic management and use of amenities in rural area.

Research methods
In the in-depth evaluation for more efficient and effective political effect on quality of life, creation of policy, policy execution, and political effect are comprehensively reviewed. When evaluating a policy, the basic execution achievement for each department is reviewed and identified by the respective department’s current status data together with literature research. in order to measure performance, gathering relevant statistics and surveys on rural citizens and local government officials are conducted. When conducting in-depth evaluation, a series of expert meetings were held to hear opinions from the experts, while the report was consigned to external experts on the individual task related to amenity in rural area which especially requires professional opinion.

Research results and implications
A. Acceleration of rural industry
The detail tasks of category of acceleration of rural industry from the 2nd stage of the basic plan for quality of life are composed of the followings; supporting (comprehensive assistance) management of complex industrialization, developing local resources and creating DBs, supporting corporate establishment and growth in rural area, supporting small scale foundation and income creation, enhancing quality of tourism products in rural area, and promoting strategic local food industry.
The results of in-depth evaluation of acceleration of rural industry can be summarized as the followings.
① Policy creation: An individual local government selects at the current stage a detail political subject considering political demands from the respective residents. However, the government does not review feasibility evaluation in the process of selecting a separate project while dispensation in selecting a business field is a problem.
② Policy execution: Since no special organization for execution of rural industry related policy, relevant district or city becomes in charge of executing an individual task. Moreover, there is no duty connection between departments of rural industry sector from the pertinent city or district and the agricultural technology center.
③ Political achievement: Through rural industry related policies, jobs in processing sector are created and local economy is being revitalized. However, continuous monitoring and post management are not conducted after the completion of projects while there is no systematic ground for continuously promoting rural industry related policies.
The measures proposed for acceleration of rural industry to contribute to improvement of quality of life in rural area are as followings. ① The rural industry related policies shall be planned out for them to be promoted as local economy policies. ② The detail tasks of rural industry shall be combined with the previous policies to 2∼3 items expanding the scale of projects. ③ Diversification in the range of rural industry shall be conducted from the execution level. ④ The rural industry related policies shall first be localized in order to reflect political demands and to expand autonomy of local government on the rural industry related policies.

B. Systematic management and use of amenities in rural areas
The detail tasks of category of amenities in rural areas from the 2nd stage of the basic plan for quality of life are composed of the followings; debit system for preservation of landscape, debit system for disadvantaged region, construction of wild plants garden and ecology woods, establishment of systematic ground for rural type preservation of landscape, and development of technology based on creation and management of rural landscape.
The results of in-depth evaluation of policies on systematic management and use of amenities in rural area can be summarized as the followings.
① Policy creation: The amenity related policy measures included in the current basic plan is limitative to achieve the goal of amenity policy in rural area.
② Policy execution: The major problems of detail tasks found during the course of execution of policy are no continuous monitoring from the government level, project’s proceeding to different direction apart from the original purpose while it proceeds, and no creation of basic status data leading management and operation inefficient.
③ Political achievement: The detail tasks in relation to political achievement are evaluated that it is not achieved to evolve into activities of preservation and management of various amenities or it is limitative from the beginning for achieving the goal.
The measures proposed for systematic management and use of amenities in rural area to contribute to improvement of quality of life in rural area are as followings. ① The ratio of policy on the management and use of amenities in rural area needs to be higher in the improvement plan for quality of life to be established later. ② As a basic principle, diversification of policy measures is needed while it needs to break way from the conventional lean-to-one-side government support.

Researchers: Joo-In Seong, Moon-Soo Jung and Kyu-Hyoung Jeong
Research Period: 2013. 5~2013. 12
E-mail Address: jiseong@krei.re.kr

성주인Seong, Jooin
소속: 농촌환경연구본부
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
성주인Seong, Jooin
소속: 농촌환경연구본부
저자에게 문의

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2013 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태 점검‧평가 : 농어업인 삶의 질 향상 위원회 전문지원기관 업무위탁