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국내외 식품기업의 중국 내수시장 진출사례 및 시사점

2013.10.30 25791
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김성우, 전형진; 차원규
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
제2장 중국 식품산업 동향
제3장 중국 식품안전 동향
제4장 국내외 식품기업의 중국 진출현황 및 사례
제5장 사례분석을 통한 시사점
제6장 결 론


이 연구는 중국에 국내외 식품기업들이 진출한 사례를 바탕으로 4P분석과 SWOT 분석을 통해 시사점을 제공하여, 향후 국내 식품기업들이 중국에 진출하기 위한 전략을 세우고, 효과적인 정부 정책 수립을 모색하기 위해 추진되었다.

This study is to draw implications by researching on the backgrounds and strategies of food companies including Quingdaoyucheon, Binggrae, Chungjungone, Damtuh, Danone, Nestle, and Kraft, which had entered into China domestic market. Also it is to seek optimal strategy for Korean food companies to enter into the China market based on the foregoing.
Even if a company has big revenue in the domestic market, it needs to research and study thoroughly before entering the China market since the food culture and dietary habits are so different. For example, the red chilly pepper paste from Chungjungone and Oreo from Kraft had been verified in their respective markets but they failed to achieve the expected sales level in China because they were new and too sweet for the market. Thus, they need to develop products, which suit Chinese consumers' palate and conditions, and verify the products by thorough market analysis.
Since China has population of over 1.3 billion and great potential for market with fast growth rate in consumption level due to its rapid economic development, it is highly probable that a company with no precise target will fall behind in the market. Therefore, it is crucial for a company to establish clear strategy for the target of products and their prices. Together with setting target regions, it needs to establish specific target consumers such as high income and youngsters among Korean-Chinese and Chinese locals.
Since the China's distribution channels are different from ours, the roles of agencies and brokers are perceived to be very important. Also Chinese put great emphasis on relationships among people so it is necessary to have strategic alliances with local distributors while it is important to watch for any unfair contracts. This unfair contracts will be burdensome to a company and eventually limit the market expansion later on. Damtuh set a good example in inroads into the China market with fair contract basis compared to other mid-sized enterprises.
Since China has huge territory, the effective promotion methods are through mass media such as TV, newspapers, and magazines but it is unlikely possible for domestic food companies to utilize these media under the circumstances. So they need to diversify their PR strategies utilizing internet or SNS. In Binggrae's case, the company hosted milk tasting events for the Chinese visitors in Korea and presented free giveaways. The visitors started to spread the words to their acquaintances via their blogs or SNS when they went back home resulting in great product awareness, in which the milk is perceived as a must-have item in China, and making it easier for the company to enter into the market.
Due to the melamine shock in China and the radiation leak in Japan, it has been recognized that ‘Korean foods are safe’ yielding to better position for the Korean food companies. Nonetheless the additional cost to be incurred, they need to establish food safety system that is continuously to manage quality of their products, which are more expensive than Chinese products, so that the reputation of Korea may not be tarnished by bad quality or safety of a food company.
The localized foreign food companies have sought economic development of the local region by hiring Chinese locals. This can lead to inculcate Chinese with a good image not only to the company but also to the country it is from. The large scale enterprises need to conduct more active investment for localization while SMEs may seek to establish joint ventures with the locals.
The most of the food companies previously entered into the China market have been satisfied with the ‘International exhibition’ or ‘overseas promotional activities’ being conducted by aT. However, the chances of participation are limited to 3 times per a company so it is impossible to conduct continuous promotion. Therefore, it is crucial to have political support to increase the number of participation for competitive food companies to take part in.
China established a food safety management system regarding new food safety since a series of vital food accidents have continuously occurred in recent years. This is to prevent recurrence of food safety accidents and to apply strict punishment on relevant incidents. So companies that are to enter into China market should thoroughly review and monitor the system in advance.
It is essential for domestic food companies to establish long-term strategy in order to succeed in the China market where fierce competition is taking place among Chinese local companies and foreign companies. It is also important to understand the Chinese culture, to develop new products and to manage quality of products by continuous R&D, and to be backed by the government's effective political support.

Researchers: Kim seongwoo, Jeon hyungjin, Cha wonkyu
E-mail address: swootamu@krei.re.kr

김성우Kim, Seongwoo
소속: 기획경영본부
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
김성우Kim, Seongwoo
소속: 기획경영본부
저자에게 문의

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