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스마트 농업의 현황과 발전 방향

2013.09.30 56395
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김연중, 국승용; 김용렬; 이명기; 김종선; 김윤형; 민경택; 지인배; 심재헌
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
제2장 스마트 농업, 농업·농촌의 새로운 활로
제3장 스마트 농림업 생산 부문
제4장 스마트 유통·경영·자원 부문
제5장 시사점 및 결론


이 연구에서는 ICT를 농업에 접목한 스마트 농업의 현황, 개념 및 필요성을 정리하고, 각 분야별 도입 가능 기반 기술 및 국내외 사례 검토를 통해 스마트 농업 도입을 위한 정책 방향을 제시하였다.

분야별 정책 방향으로 원예 분야에서는 주로 생산비 절감, 노동 부담 절감, 고품질 생산 등에 초점을 두고, 축산 부문은 IT를 이용한 가축 환경 모니터링·제어체계 및 성장환경 통합관제시스템을 통한 농장 자동화 시스템 구현, 유통 분야는 농산물의 표준·규격화, 농촌 분야는 농촌관광, 귀농·귀촌 지원, 농촌생활 지원, 농촌교육, 농촌복지, 농촌자원의 효율적 활용 방향 등을 제시하였다.

Today’s agriculture industry has expanded from traditional production to the sixth industry. It has developed into a higher value-added industry as it converges with technologies such as IT (information technology), BT (biotechnology), ET (environment technology), and NT (nano-technology). The convergence of agriculture and information and computer technology (ICT) is a new growth engine increasing efficiency in every process of production, distribution, and consumption. This convergence has become more important as a solution to problems which the agriculture sector faces, such as a labor shortage caused by an aging population, unusual weather phenomena, a high cost structure from complicated distribution systems, and rapidly-changing consumer tastes.
This study presents a policy direction for the introduction of smart farming by reviewing its current state, concept, and needs. Next we will present various examples from home and abroad as well as foundation technologies that can be introduced from each industry field. Then we discuss major issues and the conclusion of this study.
First, when it comes to horticulture, smart technologies are now mainly focused on areas such as reductions in production cost and labor burden, high quality production, and quality management in facility horticulture and the fruit-growing sector. More recently, policies for developing and introducing smart technologies are needed in the outdoor vegetable sector.
Second, it is important to meet consumers’ needs at the production and distribution stages through building a system which delivers food safety information. To achieve this at the production stage, IT needs to be applied to the livestock and controlled growth environment monitoring and control system. This means the farm automation system needs to be expanded based on these IT applications. Furthermore, at the distribution and processing stages, advanced distribution technologies using IT need to be introduced, including the convergence of distribution data.
Third, in forestry, productivity can be raised by the use of smart technologies. However, urgent tasks must first be completed, such as information content construction for forest management, infrastructure construction for information and communication, application development, and increasing user competence.
Fourth, the standardization of farm produce should be expanded in order to introduce smart technologies to the farm produce distribution sector. Moreover, the standard for each item should fully reflect the distribution characteristics of farm produce. Therefore, it is desirable that those who are in charge of farm produce distribution conduct cooperative sorting and set these standards by common consent.
Fifth, IT technologies need to be used for rural sightseeing promotion, support for living in rural communities, education and welfare in rural areas, and efficient utilization of agricultural resources. Moreover, relevant policies are needed to enable smooth communication with consumers by modernizing rural areas through IT technologies. For this, IT education and continuous investment in rural residents are necessary.
Sixth, geographic information has a greater impact on creating new added value when it fuses with another industry than when it is used in a single industry alone. Accordingly, it is necessary to strengthen convergence in smart farming going forward. When it comes to the smart water grid, it is expected to enable labor and equipment to be applied effectively, and agricultural water to be used efficiently, through water conservation.
Lastly, in order to expand and introduce smart farming, the inspection of management and actual application conditions need to be carried out among existing IT convergence businesses in the farm produce sector. To expand the government’s investment in IT convergence, research and business development of farm produce should be actively conducted to improve practical use. In the R&BD system, technology development should be carried out with the aim of improving the practical use from the planning stage of research and development investment.

Researchers: Yean-Jung Kim, Seung-Young Gouk, Young-Ryul Kim, Myung-Gi Kim, Jong-Sun Kim, Yoon-Hyung Kim, Kyung-Taek Min, In-Bae Ji, Jae-Hun Sim
Research period: 2013. 4. - 2013. 7.
E-mail address: yjkim@krei.re.kr

김연중Kim, Yeanjung
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김연중Kim, Yeanjung
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