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주요 단기임산물의 자연재해 복구비용 산정을 위한 조사기법 연구

2012.12.31 35155
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    민경택, 조병철
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
제2장 우리나라 자연재해 발생 현황
제3장 현행 자연재해 복구지원 체계
제4장 현행 임산물 자연재해 복구비용 단가의 문제점
제5장 임산물 자연재해 복구비용 단가 재산정
제6장 임산물 자연재해 피해율 산정
제7장 결론 및 요약


이 연구는 자연재해 복구비용을 보다 현실에 가깝게 조정하기 위한 기초연구로서 수행되었다. 임산물 생산을 위한 종자·종묘와 비료에 대하여 실거래 가격을 조사하여 자연재해 복구비용 지원단가를 현실화하기 위함이다. 이와 함께, 자연재해가 발생하였을 때 이재민 지원을 위한 임가단위 피해율을 산정하기 위한 기준을 마련하고자 하였다.

Due to the frequent natural disaster like typhoon, drought, and so on, the forestry production and farmer's income are getting unstable. To restore the production base for farmers after natural disaster, government has subsidized the recovery cost including seed and fertilizer cost. But the gap between the government subsidy and actual recovery cost is large. Farmers' dissatisfactions to the subsidy have been increasing. Therefore there was increasing need to estimate the recovery cost and to establish the criteria to decide the damage rate.
According to the questionnaire survey, farmers have little experience to get the recovery subsidy after natural disasters and have lots of complaints about the low recovery subsidy. This is because farmers look on the recovery subsidy as the compensation to the damage. Government has to correct the recognition of farmers about the recovery subsidy.
The recovery costs for short-term forest products are recalculated using the actual prices of seeds and fertilizers at the market, and are compared with the existing recovery cost proposed by government. The results revealed that there is the large gap between the reestimated recovery cost and the existing recovery cost. The gap depresses the recovery will of the farmers and destabilize the farmers' livelihood. Therefore the recovery cost should be raised with actual recovery costs.
To carry out the relief of victims of a disaster, the unit damage rate of the individual farmer should be estimated. But the estimation criteria are not exist. The damage rate estimation method and criteria for standing wood, lawn grass and ornamental tree are provided. But for the fruit, nut and medicinal plants it is suggested to use the existing estimation criteria.

Researchers: Kyung-Taek Min, Byung-Cheol Cho
Research period: 2012. 1. - 2012. 12.
E-mail address: minkt@krei.re.kr

민경택Min, Kyungtaek
소속: 산림경제연구실
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민경택Min, Kyungtaek
소속: 산림경제연구실
저자에게 문의

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