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유기농업 기술 가치평가 및 신기술 수요 예측

제1장 서 론
제2장 유기농업 기술 및 기술개발 현황
제3장 유기농업 기술의 가치 평가
제4장 유기농업의 신기술 수요
제5장 유기농업 기술개발 추진 방안
제6장 요약 및 결론
이 연구는 유기농업 기술 전반에 대한 가치를 체계적으로 평가하고 미래의 새로운 유기농업기술 수요를 도출하기 위해 수행되었다. 유기농업 기술개발의 투자현황을 살펴보고, 유기농업 기술의 현장 적용실태를 분석하였다. 가치평가 대상의 다양한 속성과 응답자의 지불의사액 사이의 상충관계를 종합적으로 고려할 수 있는 실험선택법을 적용하여 유기농업 기술개발의 경제적 가치를 정량적으로 추정하였다. 더 나아가 계층분석 의사결정과정을 적용하여 유기농업 기술개발의 우선순위로 경축자원순환기술, 녹비작물, 생물농약 기술과 유황, 난황유, 천연추출물 활용기술 등을 제시하였다.
Background of Research
The demand for basic technologies of organic agriculture that meet farmers' needs is expected to increase. Especially, it is expected that it will be necessary to develop and find better ways of putting into actual use the application technologies of organic agriculture that combines crop cultivation and livestock farming and green manure crop cultivation technologies. In this note, this study aims to evaluate the economic values of organic farming technologies from the standpoint of farmers and find out the demand for the technologies in response to changing circumstances. Based on this analysis, this study attempts to present a road map and directions for the development of organic farming technologies.
Method of Research
The research method used in this study is a literature review of domestic and foreign development of organic farming technologies and Japan's policies on organic agriculture. Based on the literature review, Korea's related policies were analyzed and the application state of such technologies was examined through a questionnaire survey of farmers. An evaluation of organic farming technologies was made, and the priorities for the development of organic farming technologies were evaluated through an AHP analysis based on expert opinions. A roadmap for technology development of organic agriculture was also presented after holding an experts seminar and policy council meetings, and the necessary funds to conduct research for the technology development were calculated.
Research Results and Implications
By using the willingness to pay (WTP) for a specific technology of organic farming, the total value of organic farming technologies was calculated. The annual amount of WTP per farm was 704,310~854,660 won. The calculation of the total value of organic farming technologies showed that if only the organic farms are counted the total value will amount to 9.4~11.4 billion won. If the conversion of pesticide-free farms into organic farms is taken into account, the value of organic farming technologies will amount to 72.6~88.1 billion won.
The development priorities of organic farming technology are calculated by using the AHP methodology, and the results showed that the resource recycle technology of agriculture residues and livestock manure including compost, liquid manure, and organic fertilizers was found to have the highest priority of 0.219, followed by bio-pesticide application technology (0.125) and green manure crop cultivation technology (0.119).
Roadmaps are presented for each field of technology development of organic agriculture. Specifically, roadmaps are created for the construction of following systems: an environment-friendly organic agriculture recycle system for crop and livestock farming, an environment-friendly organic soil management system, an environment-friendly weed management system, an environment- friendly organic disease and pest management system, and an environment- friendly organic seed and seedling production system. In addition, directions for detailed technology development for the period from 2013 to 2022 are presented.
The research cost of developing technologies for organic agriculture for the 5-year period from 2013 to 2017 was calculated for each field of research, and the estimated costs, which amount to 50 billion won in total, are as follows: 2.5 billion won for soil and nutrient management technology, 6 billion won for weed control technology, 10 billion won for disease and pest control technology, 10 billion won for organic seed production technology, and 1.5 billion won for organic food verification technology.
Increasing the investment for technology development of organic agriculture is an important task for sound development of organic agriculture, and in order to promote sound technology development, it is necessary to identify key tasks that meet farmers' and experts' needs for new technologies and work on the tasks continuously and step by step.
Researchers: Chang-Gil Kim, Hak-Kyun Jeong and Dong-Hyun Moon
Research Period: 2012. 1 ~ 2012. 12

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