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로컬푸드 시스템 구축 기본계획 수립 연구

제1장 서 론
제2장 경남 로컬푸드의 여건 및 당면과제
제3장 국내외 로컬푸드 사례
제4장 경남 로컬푸드 시스템 구축의 추진 방향
제5장 경남 로컬푸드 시스템의 세부전략과 추진방안
제6장 경남 로컬푸드 시스템 구축 기본계획
최근 우리 사회에서 관심이 높아지고 있는 로컬푸드(Local Food)는 단순히 지역에서 생산된 농산물을 지역에서 소비한다는 물리적인 거리보다 농업생산~소비에 이르는 관련 주체가 지속성을 고려하며 경제활동을 영위한다는 사회적 거리의 축소에 더 큰 의미가 있다. 각종 로컬푸드 활동은 지역에서 생산하고 유통, 판매하는 과정에서 고용창출로 지역경제 활성화에 기여하고, 식재료의 물리적 이동거리 감축 등 사회적 비용을 절감한다. 또한 지역이 보유한 공공재적 가치를 발현하고 사회적 서비스를 제공하여 궁극적으로 농촌지역의 경제활동 기회를 증대시키고 있다.
이와 같은 이유로 로컬푸드는 지속가능한 지역농업을 유지하고 지역경제 활성화의 측면에서 광역 및 기초 지방자치단체의 관심도 커지고 있다. 로컬푸드를 통해 생산자의 안정적인 소득창출과 먹거리에 대한 소비자의 신뢰를 확보하고자 지방농정에서 로컬푸드를 계획적으로 추진하는 것이다.
이 연구는 경상남도가 로컬푸드 시스템을 구축하는데 필요한 기본조건을 검토하고 지역환경에 적합한 로컬푸드 사업의 세부전략과 기본계획의 수립 및 추진 방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다.
The purpose of this study is to examine a detailed plan to build a local food system in the Gyeongnam provincial region and set up a basic plan to carry out a local food project based on an analysis of agriculture in the region and an awareness survey of local food participants about their understanding of the local food movement.
According to a survey of local food participants, 65% of surveyed producers said that a policy that aims to secure a stable sales channel for producers would be the most important policy needed in the field of agricultural production, and it was found that although they have almost no experience in contract farming they have big interest in the local food movement.
In the case of consumers, it was found that although they have big interest in local food and that there is a high percentage of them who had the experience of buying local food directly from farmers, they wish that local food items have differentiating features and that they can buy them regularly for a long period without interruptions.
In the case of the supply of local food to schools and other public institutions, too, it was found that despite the fact that the willingness to buy local food is high, the key to successful supply of local food lies on competitive price and continued supply.
This study also investigated domestic and foreign cases of the local food movement and summarized its state concerning the background of establishment, operating system, and satisfaction level of participants.
In the case of domestic local food, it was found that as the awareness and need for local food by producers, consumers, and administrators increases, the chance for local food to be traded continuously grows along with a stronger satisfaction level on production stability and food safety. This is the result of narrowing the social distance between producers and consumers as they are placed in a trade relationship that is based on communication.
Accordingly, even though the local food movement centers around the concept of consuming local agricultural produce, a greater meaning is placed on the social relationship that seeks sustainable production and consumption rather than on simply narrowing the physical distance. Therefore, the Gyeongnam local food system should be built based on the concept of creating an appropriate system of agricultural transactions that takes into account consumer needs and the ability of producers to supply in a sustainable agricultural system.
The main participants of the Gyeongnam local food system are producers and consumers. The producers are mostly small farmers such as aged farmers and women farmers who aim to gain an opportunity to increase income through a local food system, whereas consumers' goal is to enjoy the local culture by securing the safety of food and restoring the local food culture.
Accordingly, the goal of the Gyeongnam local food system is to restructure it into a sustainable agricultural system. The detailed plan aims to set up local food policies by improving related laws and systems, which includes formation of a working group, organization of producers and consumers, and establishment of an integrated local food support center as an intermediary organization for marketing and advertising.
According to the detailed plan, a working group will be in operation during the preparatory period from 2012 to 2014 and trial projects will be launched. Also, the foundation of a local food system will be built by establishing an integrated local food support center. During the growth period from 2015 to 2016, a local food project will be launched by the city and county municipality which will lead the Gyeongnam local food system. The local food system will be fully operational after organizing a necessary support system. During the stabilization period from 2017 and onward, revitalization of the local food market will be sought after by building an integrated local food system after the inspection of the intermediary support group and the working group so that each local food project at the city and county level can be an integrated project.
Researchers: Jeong, Eun-Mee
Research period: 2011. 10. - 2012. 2.
E-mail address: jeongem@krei.re.kr

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