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A Green Growth Strategy for Food and Agriculture : Proceedings of the OECD-KREI Seminar

2011.12.30 53534
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김창길, 정학균; 김윤형
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

Agenda and Results

Seminar Program



Seminar Program

Session 1
Keynote 1: An OECD Approach to Green Growth in Food and Agriculture
Keynote 2: Agriculture and Green Growth

Session 2
Presentation 1: A Green Growth Strategy for Food and Agriculture
Presentation 2: Enhancing Cooperation in Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research
Presentation 3: Renewable Energy Production in Italian Agriculture
Presentation 4: Discussion on Green Growth in Agriculture

Session 3
Presentation 1: Towards Efficiency & Resilience in Agriculture for Food Security in a Changing Climate
Presentation 2: Carbon Footprinting: Conceptual Issues and Measurement
Presentation 3: Green Growth Approaches in the Domain of Agricultural Water in Korea
Presentation 4: Agro-Biodiversity Management for Green Growth in Korea

Session 4
Presentation 1: Investment in Climate Smart Goods and Technologies for GG Strategies
Presentation 2: Engaging the Private Sector for Green Innovation in Agriculture
Presentation 3: Utilization of Biorefinery System Using Supercritical Fluid Process in Agriculture

Session 5
Presentation 1: Analysis of Green Productivity in Agriculture
Presentation 2: Green Growth Indicators for Agriculture and Food: A Swiss Proposal
Presentation 3: Greening Growth and Growing Green: A U.S. Perspective for the Agricultural Sector

Session 6
Presentation 1: Japan's Policies for Green Growth in Agricultural Sector
Presentation 2: Performance and Challenges for Green Growth in Agro-Food, Forestry and Fisheries
Presentation 3: Greening the Economy with Agriculture(GEA) Initiative
Presentation 4: Korea’s Approach to CC and GG in the Fisheries Sector

Summary of Presentation and Discussion

Seminar Program

Session 1
Keynote 1: An OECD Approach to Green Growth in Food and Agriculture
Keynote 2: Agriculture and Green Growth

Session 2
Presentation 1: A Green Growth Strategy for Food and Agriculture
Presentation 2: Enhancing Cooperation in Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research
Presentation 3: Renewable Energy Production in Italian Agriculture
Presentation 4: Discussion on Green Growth in Agriculture

Session 3
Presentation 1: Towards Efficiency & Resilience in Agriculture for Food Security in a Changing Climate
Presentation 2: Carbon Footprinting: Conceptual Issues and Measurement
Presentation 3: Green Growth Approaches in the Domain of Agricultural Water in Korea
Presentation 4: Agro-Biodiversity Management for Green Growth in Korea

Session 4
Presentation 1: Investment in Climate Smart Goods and Technologies for GG Strategies
Presentation 2: Engaging the Private Sector for Green Innovation in Agriculture
Presentation 3: Utilization of Biorefinery System Using Supercritical Fluid Process in Agriculture

Session 5
Presentation 1: Analysis of Green Productivity in Agriculture
Presentation 2: Green Growth Indicators for Agriculture and Food: A Swiss Proposal
Presentation 3: Greening Growth and Growing Green: A U.S. Perspective for the Agricultural Sector

Session 6
Presentation 1: Japan's Policies for Green Growth in Agricultural Sector
Presentation 2: Performance and Challenges for Green Growth in Agro-Food, Forestry and Fisheries
Presentation 3: Greening the Economy with Agriculture(GEA) Initiative
Presentation 4: Korea’s Approach to CC and GG in the Fisheries Sector

Summary of Presentation and Discussion

김창길Kim, Changgil
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김창길Kim, Changgil
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