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농촌지역 사회적기업의 사업모델

제1장 연구의 개요
제2장 농촌지역 사회적기업의 업종별 사업모델 분석
제3장 농촌지역 사회적기업의 사업모델 개선 방안
사회적 문제를 기업경영 방식을 통해 해결하려는 것이 사회적기업이다. 사회적기업은 정책적으로 취약계층의 노동통합과 사회서비스 제공을 목적으로 시작되었지만, 시장과 정부의 실패로 인해 낙후된 농촌지역의 문제 해결을 위한 제3의 길로서 주목을 받고 있다.
2000년대 들어 농촌지역 재생을 위한 방안을 모색하던 민간의 다양한 움직임과 정부와 지자체의 지원정책이 만나면서 여러 영역에서 사회적기업이 창업되고 있다. 그러나 한편에서는 농촌지역의 열악한 사업기반, 미흡한 기부문화와 사회적투자자본, 기업적 역량의 부족 등 사회적기업의 발전을 제약하는 요인도 적지 않다.
이 연구는 2년에 걸쳐 수행하였다. 1차년도에는 농촌지역에 소재하는 사회적기업의 운영실태 분석을 통하여 농촌 경제사회의 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 사회적기업의 발전 방향을 제시하였다. 금년 2차년도에는 구체적인 발전방안과 정책방향을 제시하고자 하였다.
이 보고서는 농촌지역 사회적기업의 사업모델을 분석하여 평가한 후 개선방안을 제시하는 제3세부과제의 결과물이다. 사회적기업이 사회적목적을 달성하면서도 경제적으로 지속성을 갖기 위해서는 시장을 개척하고 확보하기 위한 기업의 노력과 함께, 사회적경제간 네트워크의 형성, 지자체를 중심으로 사회적기업이 성장할 수 있는 환경 조성이 필요하다는 점을 밝혔다.
This is the second year report of the two-year collaborative research entitled 'A study on alternatives promoting social enterprises for vitalizing rural community and creating jobs in rural areas'. This study consists of four sub-research subjects. This is the report of business models for social enterprises in rural communities.
This report suggested the betterment alternatives of social enterprises in rural enterprises through critically reviewing situations and experiences of leading social enterprises in the fields of general care, education and medical treatment, agricultural partnership projects, and regional development. In particular, we scrutinized them in the context of the balances between markets for the continuity of business and the pursuit of social goals.
The summaries of findings are as follows: First, the market of general care is enlarging it's volume resulted from the increase of welfare demand and policy expansion based on the aged society, but competition becomes tough with private companies. A complex welfare service system based on human life cycle must be established in order to be competitive. The high quality of services will be able to be provided via business management assuring the development of client-fit-service and employee's labor right in both policy and private markets.
Second, the unmet fields which the public cannot provide because of the decrease of rural population and public finance will be increased in the fields of education and medical treatment. However, private market cannot meet this demand. Accordingly this sectors will be a field of social enterprises in the rural areas. In this case, a wide range of supply system is needed because these fields need professionality and the scale of economy. For example, the supply system of professional teachers can be possible in the wide range of supply system.
Third, delivering, processing, and farming supports about environment-friendly products which small and mid farmers produce are very important to vitalize regional and community economy. However, a large portion of social enterprises cannot ensure profits. Partnership between social enterprises and regional agricultural entities such as village farming organizations and farming cooperative associations should be connected. Also, professionalized business items should be established.
Fourth, the market related to regional development projects such as eco-tourism, cultural industry, and returner connected are still not settled down, even if it has potential. A strategic approach is necessary in this field. In particular, cultural industries such as the preservation of traditional culture and performing arts need supports from the regional social economy and local governments. Because this fields needs long period of time to be self-supported.
Fifth, the fields of recycling of resources and cleaning are very competitive and lower grown-up field. However, these field is meaningful in terms of the amelioration of regional environment, working opportunity for the disadvantaged, and the assurance of employee's working rights. Accordingly, it is necessary that local governments establish protective markets for social enterprises.
Sixth, social enterprises formed by disabled groups cannot be continued if they depend upon a protective market and produce lower quality goods. The success of these social enterprises is basically dependent upon the production of high quality goods.
Lastly, the advancement of social enterprises' ability is needed through networking among social economy. The role of social economy is very great in terms of the identification of regional problem, the education of personnels, capital, market, and regional policy. Even if the establishment of business model in the level of a single social enterprise is important, the networking among regions and business items and the effective intermediary organization are more important.
Researchers: Nae-Won Oh, Chang-Ho Kim
Research Period: 2011.1~2011.10
E-mail Address: naewonoh@krei.re.kr

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