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경상북도 제3차 친환경농업육성 5개년 계획 수립 연구

제1장 서론
제2장 경상북도의 친환경농업 여건진단
제3장 경북 친환경농업 육성의 비전과 추진 전략
제4장 경북 친환경농업 육성을 위한 핵심 추진과제
제5장 친환경농업육성사업 투자 예산
제6장 요약 및 결론
정부는 2001년부터 친환경농업육성법에 따라 지방자치단체가 체계적인 친환경농업정책 수립과 집행을 위해 ‘친환경농업육성 5개년 계획’을 수립하여 추진토록 하고 있다. 경상북도의 경우 정부의 제3차 친환경농업육성 5개년 계획(2011~2015년)에 부응하여 대내외적인 여건변화를 반영한 심층적인 실태분석을 토대로 지역실정에 맞는 효과적인 친환경농업육성 전략 수립이 요구된다. 특히 경북은 그동안 적극적인 친환경농업 육성정책으로 전국 2위의 친환경농업 실천면적을 보유하고 있으나, 과일류를 중심으로 한 저농약 인증이 상당한 비중을 차지하고 있어, 2015년 이후 저농약인증제 폐지에 따른 특단의 조치가 필요하다.
이 보고서는 경북도청의 연구용역 의뢰로 추진된 ‘경상북도 제3차 친환경농업육성 5개년 계획 수립’에 관한 프로젝트의 최종 결과물이다. 이 연구에서는 경북의 친환경농업육성 여건진단, 친환경농업의 전망, 경북의 환경실태분석, 친환경농업 육성에 대한 농업인 및 전문가의 설문조사 등을 실시하였다. 또한 실태분석 결과를 기초로 경상북도 친환경농업 육성을 위한 비전을 설정하였고, 중장기 친환경농업 육성사업 관련 단계적 추진방안과 핵심과제를 도출하여 제시하였다.
The purpose of this research is to derive a detailed implementation program and core tasks for the promotion of environmentally-friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province. The envisioned program would lead to increases in income and the enhancement of the quality of living of farming households based on comprehensive analysis of both the local characteristics of agriculture and the circumstances of rural community in Gyeongbuk Province.
This report presents the backgrounds and the need of the research and preceding researches in the Chapter One. Chapter Two describes the current status of environmentally friendly agriculture and the results of questionnaire surveys for farmers and officials in charge of agricultural policy in order to diagnosis of the circumstances of environmentally-friendly agriculture and evaluate the performance of the of the Second Five-year Promotion Plan for Environmentally Friendly Agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province. Chapter Three outlines the vision for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province and its implementation strategy. Chapter Four suggests the core tasks for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province from the aspects of production base, distribution and consumption, safety management system, processing and input materials, technology development and education, and agricultural resources management system. Chapter Five presents budget inputs for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture. Finally, Chapter Six presents a summary and conclusion.
The major results of this research are summarized as follows:
First, production technologies for environmentally friendly agricultural products were provided and a market for environmentally friendly agricultural products was secured as a main emphasis for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture. A questionnaire survey on the Third Five-year Promotion Plan for Environmentally-friendly Agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province was conducted of 78 farmers engaging in environmentally-friendly agriculture and 51 experts in agriculture. The result of the questionnaire survey targeted for farmers revealed the prevention of harmful insects (46.8%) and shortage of labor force (36.4%) as the bottlenecks for the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products and the securing of stable clients (55.5%) and selling price (25.3%) as the bottlenecks for selling.
Second, for the sustainable development of environmentally-friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province a multilateral implementation strategy should be sought in order to facilitate the abolition of the certification system for low agricultural chemicals. In the event the certification system for low agricultural chemicals is removed in 2015, 33.3% of respondents indicated to choose 'the conversion to no agricultural chemicals and organic cultivation method', 55.6% indicated to choose 'the conversion to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)' and the remaining 11.1% indicated to choose 'the return to previous practice'. We can see here that approximately 67% of the certified farming households for low agricultural chemicals would give up the implementation of environmentally-friendly agriculture.
Third, the result of the survey revealed the items such as the expansion of the creation of wide area environmentally-friendly agriculture complex, which pursues resource-circulating agriculture where agricultural cultivation and livestock farming are linked, as core implementation tasks for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province. In addition, in the field of creating a production base for environmentally- friendly agriculture the survey identified the preparation and distribution of a manual for the systematic supply of ecological agriculture cultivation technology, and the implementation of support for making energy using livestock manure as priority tasks.
Fourth, in the field of creating a production base for environmentally- friendly agriculture, the results revealed that it was necessary to make upward adjustment of the supporting unit amount of direct payments and to extend the supporting period, to implement a model project for organic agriculture insurance system, which mitigates the risk of farmers' income reduction, and to prepare effective measure for fruit growing farmers to cope with the removal of a low agricultural chemical certification system.
Fifth, in the field of distribution and consumption of environmentally friendly agricultural products, the results revealed that it was necessary to support educational institutions in metropolitan area as a part of budget for the purchase of environmentally friendly food materials in order to appropriately identify the market for the increment of environmentally-friendly agricultural products and to establish a general logistics center exclusively for environmentally friendly agricultural products to Youngnam (Gyeongnam and Gyeongbuk) Region.
Sixth, in the field of establishing an agricultural environmental resource management system, the results revealed that it was necessary to implement a model project for a aggregate nutritional content quantity system, which comprehensively controls for nutritional content of farmland at a provincial scale based on the result of nutritional content balance analysis for Gyeongbuk Province.
Seventh, in order for environmentally-friendly agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province to achieve an established level, it is necessary to collect the opinions of officers in charge of agricultural policy and farmers and to establish and implement a step by step promotion policy program that can be differentiated with those of other provinces and cities. Especially in order for the Third Five-year Promotion Plan for Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture to be able to accomplish the planned results, it is crucial that there is a special attention of the ultimate decision maker (governor and mayor) for the administration of Gyeongbuk Province on the promotion of environmentally-friendly agriculture as well as appropriate budgetary support for the established programs. In addition, it is necessary to prepare systematic methods for the sustained monitoring and the evaluation of performance on the programs for the promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture and incentive award plan for superior city and county units based on the evaluation of performance.
Lastly the performance objective of the Third Five-year Promotion Plan for Environmentally Friendly Agriculture of Gyeongbuk Province can be achieved if the perception of the citizens of Gyeongbuk Province on the promotion of environmentally-friendly agriculture is improved and the roles for the implementation of core tasks are appropriately assigned by pertinent subject. It is expected to significantly contribute to the enhancement of the quality of living of not only the citizens of Gyeongbuk Province, but also all Korean people if environmentally-friendly agriculture is firmly established as the growth engine for future agriculture in Gyeongbuk Province.
Researchers: Kim Chang-Gil, Jeong Hak-Kyun, and Jang Jeong-Kyung
Research period: 2011. 3. 〜 2011. 7.
E-mail address: changgil@krei.re.kr

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