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농어민 전문병원 설치 및 지원방안 검토

제1장 서 론
제2장 농어업인 관련 직업성 질병의 특성
제3장 농어업인의 보건의료 이용 실태
제4장 전문병원의 설치와 운영 실태
제5장 농어업인 전문병원 신규 설치 타당성 분석
제6장 농어업인 전문병원 설치 및 운영방안
제7장 요약 및 결론
농어업인은 직업의 특성상 동일 작업을 장시간 반복해야 하며, 이로 인해 타 직업 종사자와는 다른 질병이나 재해에 노출되고 있다. 흔히 농어부증이라고 일컬어지는 근골격계질환과 순환기계질환과 농기계사고 및 농약 중독 등이 농어업인들이 직업상으로 겪는 주요 질병이며 재해이다. 농어업인의 직업성 질환에 대해서는 오래전부터 관심의 대상이 되고 있으며, 최근 농어업인의 직업성 질환을 전문적으로 다룰 전문병원의 필요성에 대한 주장이 제기되고 있다.
이 연구는 농어업인의 직업성 질병과 재해를 전문적으로 다룰 농어민 전문병원의 설치 타당성을 검토하고 농어업인의 직업성 질병에 대하여 체계적으로 접근하기 위한 방안을 모색하였다.
The purpose of this study is 1) to investigate the feasibility on the establishment of specialized hospitals for farmers and fishermen, and 2) to suggest the operation plan of the specialized hospitals for farmers and fishermen.
Research methods include collection of existing related data, re-analysis of previous statistical data, the mail survey on the health and medical service use of farmers, analysis of foreign cases, interview, and so on. Existing related data were collected from the related research institutes and governmental organizations. The mail survey was conducted among 818 local correspondents of Korea Rural Economic Institute. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, and mean were used to organize and summarize the data.
In the establishment and management of specialized hospitals for farmers and fishermen, we should synthetically consider the accessibility, compre- hensiveness, sustainability, and effectiveness of health and medical services. We have two options to establish specialized hospitals for farmers and fishermen: 1) to establish new specialized hospitals for farmers and fishermen, 2) to designate medical service centers specialized in treating farmers and fishermen by supporting and funding existing hospitals. The realistic option is to provide farmers and fishermen with practical health and medical services by designating medical service centers specialized in treating them.
The diseases related to farmers and fishermen have not been officially admitted as independent occupational diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and investigate the actual conditions of occupational diseases of farmers and fishermen.
The step-by-step implementation plan required sequentially to establish the hospitals specialized in treating farmers and fishermen are as follows. The first step comprises 1) operation of task force team for medical centers specialized in treating farmers and fishermen, 2) designation and operation of research centers, and 3) pilot operation of specialized medical care centers. The second step comprises 1) enforcement of networks and operational foundation, and 2) examination on the establishment of hospitals specialized in treating diseases like agrichemical poisoning of farmers and fishermen. The third step is to establish new hospitals for farmers and fishermen in the regions with poor medical services or remote areas.
Researchers: Kyeong-Hwan Choi, Dae-Shik Park and Joo-Nyung, Heo
Research period: 2010. 5. ~ 2010. 12.
E-mail address: kyeong@krei.re.kr

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